Secure Banking System
- Do not add anything to master branch directly.
- Create your own branch and use that for your tasks any when you feel good to go to master create a pull request
- To start working with this repo do a clone into the directory you want using
git clone
- To Create branch you can do something like
git checkout -b YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
- To add files to repo
git add --all
to push all the modifed files else specify the file name - To commit the files to repo use
git commit
and fill the description about what this commit is for be as clear as possible - To Push the code to your branch you can use
git push origin YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
- To pull latest code to your branch you can use
git pull origin YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
- Do pull request to master branch but do not merge on your own others will review and merge it.
- Install jdk7
- Install tomcat8
- Install mysql5.5
- Make sure to install Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
- Install maven you can follow steps here MAVEN
- Import the cloned project into eclipse as maven project
- Configure tomcat8 directory(eclipse properties -> targeted runttime -> add new) and JDK7(eclipse properties -> compiler) with eclipse
- Do Maven clean from Eclipse -> Run As -> Maven clean
- Do Maven install
- To understand more check out
- (optional if setup using eclipse) Can create maven project from eclipse or else using below steps and integrate with eclipse a. create project structure using maven below command mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.chasethenag420.maven -DartifactId=SimpleSpringMaven -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false b. to integrate with eclipse run below command inside the project dir SimpleSpringMaven mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0