Student at UM6P - 1337 Khouribga programming school.
Start date: 01/Nov/2021 - The 4th promo!
1337 is a part of 42 network.
42 is a global education initiative that offers a new way of learning technology:
no teachers, no classrooms, students learning from their fellow students (peer to peer
learning), with a methodology that develops both computing and life skills. The 42 cursus is
free for whoever is approved in its selection process* - the so-called "Piscine" - becoming
thus "cadets" (42's students).
* C/C++ language, Makefile
* Python
* Shell scripting
* Web (HTML, CSS, JS)
* Git
* Networks
* Docker
* Computer graphics
* Assembly language
-- among others (find it in the complete curriculum).
# Self-learning and proactivity
At 42, self-learning is at the core of its peer to peer learning methodology. There
are no teachers whatsoever; the learning process is based on googling, enquiring
your classmates, and empirical knowledge, each student learning at their own pace.
# Teamwork
Some projects must or should be developed in groups, which promotes collaborative
work among cadets. The major challenge here is to equalize the different knowledge
levels while finding a common work methodology that allows all team members to
contribute to the project.
# Time management and resiliency
The school is open 24/7. Thus, the cadets are free to work whenever they want, which
demands excellent time management skills and resiliency for not "drowning" amid the
massive load of work demanded by the program.
🌱 C language, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript ReactJS
📫 How to reach me **[email protected]**