Sample Ruby application showing how to integrate with the IBM Bluemix Single Sign On service as an OAuth2 provider in a Cloud Foundry application.
This sample shows how to fetch the logged in users profile information from within a simple Ruby Sinatra application. The application must be registered with the IBM SSO Service and the user must then grant the application access to their profile. The steps below will take you through this process.
To understand how the authentication code works you should view the main Ruby application file and follow the flow from the /profile to the /auth/oauth2/callback routes. From here you will see how to redirect to the sso service, and then from the oauth callback how to get the bearer token, which can then be used to request the user's profile.
Most of the actual code is shown here, you just need to know how to configure things.
configure do
set :client,, CLIENT_SECRET, site: SSO_HOST, authorize_url: SSO_AUTHORIZE_PATH, token_url: SSO_TOKEN_PATH)
set :root, File.dirname(__FILE__)
get '/' do
# render the index.slim page
slim :index
get '/profile' do
# this will redirect to the sso authorize service requesting access to the profile service
redirect App.client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri(request), scope: 'profile')
# first exchange the code for a bearer token. this returns a instance of a OAuth2::AccessToken
token = App.client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], redirect_uri: redirect_uri(request))
# next use the token to make a request to the profile service
properties = JSON.parse("#{SSO_HOST}/#{PROFILE_PATH}").response.body)
# alternatively you can fetch the actual bearer token from the AccessToken (possibly store it in session for later use)
# and use it with a REST client of your choice like this:
# '', { 'access_token' => token.token }
# now render the profile.slim page with the user profile properties
slim :profile, locals: { properties: properties }
def redirect_uri(request)
Clone or fork this repository then run bundle to install the dependent gems.
git clone
cd bluemix-sso-sample
Run the specs
rspec spec
If you don't already have an account on IBM Bluemix you will need to create one in order to deploy the sample application. You should also be familiar with Cloud Foundry and have the Cloud Foundry command line tool installed.
First you will need to edit the "name" and "host" in the manifest.yml file to ensure the application name and route to the application are unique. For example:
- name: my-sso-sample
host: my-sso-sample
Run the following commands from the cloned repository (e.i. bluemix-sso-sample). This will connect you to Bluemix and then push the application to the the Cloud Foundry server and launch it. Note - you won't be able to run the application until it is bound to the Single Sign On service and configured.
$ cf api
$ cf login
$ cf push
Login to Bluemix and go to the Dashboard page where the sso sample application was deployed. Click on the ADD A SERVICE button, and under Security click on the Single Sign On service. In the dropdown for the App, select the name you gave to the application you deployed, and then hit the CREATE button. Hit OK when asked to re-stage the application.
Next click on the Single Sign On service which will bring up its configuration page. Enter the Display Name (the name users will see when prompted for access), and the Redirect URI. This must be the URL to the callback method in the Sinatra deployed application. For example if in the manifest.yml file you set the "host" to my-sso-sample then the call back URL will be
Click Save, and next you will be given the applications Client Identifier and Client Secret. Copy these somewhere save since you will need them to configure the application environment variables.
Next we will configure the application environment variables which the application will used to access the Client Identifier and Client Secret.
$ cf set-env my-sso-sample CLIENT_ID wJytqIdZ61XXXXXXX
$ cf set-env my-sso-sample CLIENT_SECRET 3Bhr2spmXXXXXXXXXX
$ cf restage my-sso-sample
Once the application is staged again you should be able to run the it by hitting its https URL (e.g.
Next click the Fetch User Profile button you will be redirected to the OAuth Consent page to approve access to your profile from the application. Once granted you will be redirected back to the application's callback route where the user profile will be displayed.