This repository contains codes used to simulate multiple scattering (in 3D) in idealized snowpacks. It can be used to estimate bidirectional reflectance of a single layer snowpack for a given snow grain size. For details, please see the article published by Schneider et al. (2019).
Executing the model requires an mpi4py installation. The model has run successfully on computers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v8.8) and macOS (v13.4) via a miniconda installation (see to install miniconda).
Note that the following command pertains to the development version of the project stored on GitHub. If you already obtained an archive of this repository (e.g., via Zenodo), move to step 1.
git clone; cd monte_carloMPI
conda env create -n ENVNAME --file environment.yml
conda activate ENVNAME
tar -xzvf Bohren_and_Huffman_1983_Mie_solver_data.tar.gz
Model simulation parameters can be specified by editing the driver script
In the driver script, n_photon sets the number of photon (packets). Although the default is set to 10 thousand photon packets, Schneider et al. (2019) found that at least 1 million photon packets are needed to achieve stochastic convergence. Because tracing 1 million photon packets is computationally time consuming, the default of 10 thousand allows users to more easily test their installation.
The model relies on data that contain ice crystal single-scattering properties (SSPs). To execute a model simulation that approximates snowpack as a medium of (small) spherical ice particles suspended in air, simply follow the remaining steps provided in this README. Although we have archived the SSP data for spheres, SSP data for non-spherical particles were developed by Yang et al. (2013) and are not available from this archive.
mpirun -np NUMBER_OF_TASKS --oversubscribe
Results from a model simulation are stored in a CSV plain text file. By default, the output file is written to monte_carlo_results/sphere/ (for spheres). The text file name follows the format
where WVL and FWHM are the center wavelength and full width at half-maximum of the distribution of the incident photon flux (micro-meters), REFF is the model snow grain effective radius (micro-meters), NPHOTON is the number of photon packets traced during the simulation, THETA is the zenith angle of the incident photon flux, and "HG" indicating that the Henyey-Greenstein phase function (van de Hulst, 1968) was used to determine scattering directions. The text file is organized by column with the following headings:
condition - Integer from 1 to 4 indicating the end result of a photon packet:
1: photon packet exits top of snowpack (reflected)
2: photon packet exits bottom of snowpack (diffuse transmittance)
3: photon packet exits bottom of snowpack without any scattering events (direct transmittance)
4: photon packet absorbed
wvn[um^-1] - wavenumber corresponding with the photon packet
theta_n - zenith angle of photon packet's final propagation before exiting or reflected by snowpack (radians)
phi_n - azimuthal angle of photon packet's final propagation before exiting or reflected by snowpack (radians)
n_scat - number of scattering events encountered by a photon packet
path_length[m] - Distance of photon packet's propagation, including multiple scattering, within snowpack
snow_depth[m] - Effective depth of snowpack
The results of a simulation can be visualized via a polar plot of the bidirectional reflectance factor, e.g.,
python --output_dir monte_carlo_results/sphere $(ls monte_carlo_results/sphere/*.txt | xargs)
Development of the model and this repository is a collaborative effort and was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant no. ARC-1253154). Many thanks to Jordan Schneider for their work upgrading the codes to be compatible with Python 3 and for developing the parallelized implementation, which is crucial for conducting simulations of over one million photon packets within a reasonable timeline. The model was developed originally from a MATLAB version created by Mark Flanner, who advised the scientific development and application of the model. Finally, thanks to Zach Fair (and Fair et al., 2022) for motivating ongoing development and utilizing earlier versions of this repository.
Bohren, C. F., & Huffman, D. R. (1983). Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles. Wiley.
Fair, Z., Flanner, M., Schneider, A., and Skiles, S. M. (2022). Sensitivity of modeled snow grain size retrievals to solar geometry, snow particle asphericity, and snowpack impurities, The Cryosphere, 16, 3801–3814,
Schneider, A., Flanner, M., De Roo, R., and Adolph, A. (2019). Monitoring of snow surface near-infrared bidirectional reflectance factors with added light-absorbing particles, The Cryosphere, 13, 1753–1766,
van de Hulst, H. (1968), Asymptotic fitting, a method for solving anisotropic transfer problems in thick layers, J. Comput. Phys., 3, 291–306,
Yang, P., Bi, L., Baum, B. A., Liou, K.-N., Kattawar, G. W., Mishchenko, M. I., and Cole, B. (2013). Spectrally Consistent Scattering, Absorption, and Polarization Properties of Atmospheric Ice Crystals at Wavelengths from 0.2 to 100 µm, J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 330–347,