A specific song can trigger memories of high school graduation or a semester abroad. However,
music throwbacks don’t happen often unless we hear an old song at a restaurant or something
comes up on the radio. Even then, we may not remember what went on in the world at that time.
How can we more intentionally trigger memories from music that incorporates aspects of a
person’s life and events going on in the world?
● Interested in pop music and culture
● Nostalgic
● Uses Facebook but not necessarily super tech-savvy
I’m curious what happened today in history – what song was popular and what was I doing at that
Create a pop music timeline that incorporates personal activities and world news to create a
more holistic memory of a time.
Helpful things to research
● [Timehop] (http://timehop.com/)
● [Nostalgia Machine] (http://thenostalgiamachine.com/)