Evently is a web application designed to provide users with a convenient platform for creating, managing, and scheduling events dynamically. This application aims to simplify the process of organizing and participating in various events, enhancing user engagement and experience.
User Registration and Authentication:
- Secure registration and login functionality for users to access the application.
Event Creation and Management:
- Create new events with essential details like title, description, date, time, poster, and duration.
- Support for both one-time and recurring event schedules.
- Edit and delete events as needed.
- User-friendly interface for efficient event management.
Event Search and Filtering:
- Search events based on keywords (title, description) or date.
- Implement filters to refine event searches using categories or tags.
- Visually appealing display of search results.
Event Participation:
- Enable users to join events with a "Join" button.
- Limit the number of participants for each event.
- Display a participant list with status (confirmed, pending).
Notifications and Reminders:
- Notification system for upcoming events, changes, and cancellations.
- Reminders via email or push notifications based on user preferences.
- Timely notifications with relevant event details.
- Notify users when an event is created related to their interest tags.
Event Feed:
- View a feed of events created by other users.
- Display event details, including name, date, time, duration, poster, and type.
- Filter events based on preferences and interests.
- Sort events by popularity, date, or proximity.
Wishlist or Favorite Feature:
- Allow users to save events to their wishlist or favorite list.
- Easy access to the saved events for future reference.
- Option to remove events from the wishlist or favorite list.
User Experience:
- Intuitive and responsive user interface with an appealing design.
- Validation and error handling for user inputs.
- Performance optimization for a large number of concurrent users.
- Compatibility across web browsers and devices.
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/anakin-dabir/evently-23.git
- Go to the project directory
cd evently-23
- Install dependencies in both server and client folders
cd frontend && yarn & cd server && yarn & cd socket && yarn
mongodb url -
API key for imbb -
email for nodemailer -
password for nodemailer -
secret token for JWT creation
socket url -
server url -
google locator API key -
upload preset for cloudinary -
your cloud name for cloudinary
- Start frontend, backend and socket side separately by navigating to respective dirs and:
yarn dev
HTTP Endpoints Action GET
/auth/user To get user creds GET
/auth/whishlist To retrieve wishlist POST
/auth/register To register a new user account POST
/auth/login To login to already existing user POST
/auth/add/:id To add event to wishlist POST
/auth/remove/:id To remove event from wishlist -
HTTP Endpoints Action GET
/event To retrieve all events GET
/event/myevents To retrieve all of current user events GET
/event/:id To retrieve data of current event POST
/event To create a new event POST
/event/join/:id To add user to event PUT
/event/:id To edit an event DELETE
/event/:id To delete an existing event -
HTTP Endpoints Action GET
/notification To retrieve all notifications POST
/notification To send a new notification PATCH
/notification To mark notifications as read