- New Jersey
- http://thepaasguy.wordpress.com/
A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands.
⚡️ Promise-based service component for calling REST API from Lightning Aura Components without Named Credentials.
anandbn / richsobjects
Forked from ryanbrainard/richsobjectsA higher-level, modular library for interacting with the Salesforce API in web applications.
Sample app that can be deployed to Heroku that uses https://github.com/anandbn/heroku-buildpack-apache buildpack
Radian6 API integration on Heroku with Play framework.
Simple Spring MVC Template that will be used to demonstrate WAR deployment with Heroku
Source code for Heroku Dev Center article "Asynchronous Web-Worker Model Using RabbitMQ in Java"
Chatter notification with Push notification
A higher-level, modular library for interacting with the Salesforce API in web applications.
anandbn / chatter-intranet
Forked from henriquez/chatter-intranetA sample intranet application that uses the Salesforce Chatter API
anandbn / game-of-life
Forked from wakaleo/game-of-lifeDemo application for the 'Jenkins: The Definitive Guide' book
A simple project on how to use the heroku deploy:war command
A Play! based QRCode generator that uses Pusher for realtime notifications
A Java wrapper around the chatter REST API with type Java objects and a abstracting the REST API to make it easily consumed Java API
Utility which leverages Force.com Chatter REST API to manage user and group photo uploads as well as group memberships.
anandbn / heroku.jar
Forked from heroku/heroku.jarJava Wrapper for Heroku API