Python CFFI bindings for the 'C' Language Integrated Production System CLIPS
Kubernetes operator for managing the lifecycle of Apache Spark applications on Kubernetes.
A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo (a CNCF graduated project)
Awesome list of status page open source software, services and public status pages of major internet companies
⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
cryptography is a package designed to expose cryptographic primitives and recipes to Python developers.
Resources and references for the past and future of visual programming.
Source for Codewriting (book) and the Codewriting/Code the Docs (site/blog)
felixge's notes on the various go profiling methods that are available.
A constant throughput, correct latency recording variant of wrk
Graphviz DOT rendering and animated transitions using D3
Apps/CLIs/configs I use on macOS/iOS. Fish, Karabiner, Cursor..
Old repo for Linkerd 1.x. See the linkerd2 repo for Linkerd 2.x.
A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
Script for downloading videos and naming them.
KeyCastr, an open-source keystroke visualizer
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Over 400 software engineering companies that are easy to apply to
This is an activator project providing a seed for starting with Play & Slick, how to write unit test and how to use mocking for unit testing.
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
a small, expressive orm -- supports postgresql, mysql, sqlite and cockroachdb
A JS library for predictable global state management
A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.