A bot for Public Lab
plotsbot is an integrated system for bots across various interfaces, such as in an IRC chatroom, in GitHub issues, or on PublicLab.org. The bot consists of a set of behaviors, like "Greet" or "Help" (see below) which can work on one or more interface.
The various interfaces of plotsbot allow it to interact with various resources online and locally. As of now, plotsbot interacts with one resource at a time, but in the future multiple interfaces can be supported simultaneously.
There are two types of interfaces:
- Private Interfaces where one to one conversations take place between the user and plotsbot. Each message sent by the user is meant for plotsbot and vice versa and should be interpreted as such.
- Public Interfaces where many to one conversation takes place between a number of users and plotsbot. Each message sent by a user might or might not be meant for a specific other user (or plotsbot), and thus each message meant for plotsbot should consider its name explicitly.
This interface allows plotsbot to interact with users on IRC. In production, plotsbot connects to #publiclab channel on the OFTC IRC network. For testing purposes, technically the bot can be made to connect to any possible channel but #publiclab-testing on OFTC is dedicated towards the purpose of testing the bot.
IRC classifies as both a public and a private interface as the general IRC channel acts as a public interface to the bot while a user can DM the bot which would act as a private interface to the bot.
This is the default interface for plotsbot.
This interface allows you to experiment on the bot locally and interact with it on the command line interface instead of an actual IRC channel. Think of this interface as a sandbox to test features out on your local machine.
CLI is a private interface. You do not need to mention the bot in each message you send because it is implied that any message you send is meant for the bot.
This interface can be used instead of the default interface by setting the environment variable TEST
to true
➜ plotsbot git:(master) TEST=true node bot.js
Bot is running in testing mode.
[ryzokuken => plotsbot-ryzokuken]
[plotsbot-ryzokuken => ryzokuken]
# chatbot
`plotsbot-ryzokuken help [<module>...]`: Prints out this descriptive help message for each mentioned module. If no modules are specified, print the help message for ALL modules.`chatbot` is not the name of a valid module. Try looking up the `chatbot` module instead.
Services are different from interfaces as they carry out computational tasks and not I/O tasks like interfaces do. Therefore, the bot takes input from an interface, directs it to a service which would preform actions on the data and return data which the bot will output through another interface.
Greet: The bot greets users when they join the channel. The functionality along with the exact greet message can be found inside the codebase here.
Help: Upon recieving any message starting with the word "help", the bot prints out the help messages of the modules whose names have been specified. If no modules were mentioned, all modules are explained. The functionality along with the code for the generation of the exact help text can be found inside the codebase here.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
You do not need NVM in order to install Node JS, but if you're running Linux, chances are that the version of Node JS available in the repositories is too old to be usable. Therefore, we suggest you to use NVM in order to make the most out of the newest versions of Node JS.
Go to https://github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script to obtain the NVM installation script.
In order to install the latest version of Node JS and npm, run nvm install node
We suggest you to use yarn to install and maintain npm packages, as it is faster and more efficient than vanilla npm. In order to install yarn, run npm install -g yarn
In order to install all node modules the package depends on, just run yarn
or npm install
(in case you chose not install yarn)
- Copy the sample configuration at
by runningcp config.js.sample config.js
- Let the channel and server remain to be
and OFTC respectively. This is the ideal channel you would like to test your changes on. I repeat, DO NOT change the channel and server unless you know exactly what you're doing and without the consent of the owner of the respective channel. - Change the name attribute to something unique.
sounds very indicative and would help you differentiate your local instance from other instances of the bot.
Now that you're ready, run the bot by running the command, node bot.js
In development, running the bot using nodemon is recommended. Install nodemon by running npm install -g nodemon
or yarn global add nodemon
and then execute the bot using nodemon bot.js
. Nodemon will listen for changes to the files and rerun the bot automatically whenever you make a change.
In order to experiment locally on the bot, you need to set the TEST
environment variable to be true. Running the bot using TEST=true node bot.js
will work.
We use Semantic Versioning for maintaining versions for the git tag and npm package version. Please adhere to it strictly and visit their website for more information: http://semver.org/
- In order to increment MAJOR version, use
npm version major
- In order to increment MINOR version, use
npm version minor
- In order to increment PATCH version, use
npm version patch
In order to help you decide which version to bump to, issues will be labelled appropriately as far as possible.
We use ESLint for linting our codebase. Run yarn lint
or npm run-script lint
for checking lint errors. Most common errors can be fixed by running yarn lint-fix
or npm run-script lint-fix
. Code styling is an important part of writing good code to the make the code more readable and meaningful. We follow the latest ES6 standards for our codebase. Make sure you run the lint checks before submitting a PR so that there are no CI build failures.