This software provides navigation information, trips information and vehicle status on real-time using an On-Board Diagnostic and GNSS (OBD+GPS) device attached to the OBD port on the vehicle.
The server is based on Traccar[1] software and adapted to read parameter IDs (PIDs) from vehicle's computer and sensor symtems, i.e. fuel comsumption, mileage, engine status, etc. Additionally, it provides trips and trajectories information of one or more vehicles with low cost OBD devices on the client-side.
Client devices (embedded OBD-GSP) and communications (GPRS, 3G and 4G) detected, packed and send the car data to the cloud server, so the geodata is always up-to-date.
This software was developed for commercial purposes by CAR MII S.A.S. Please contact [email protected] for more information and sales.
Please refer to Traccar licenses as well. [1] Traccar: