Java/React mobile/Web apps development Course by mindsmoover.com - useful links :
- Download meeting invite by clicking on below URL:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cRJwRmWZFEa4klcyxV1VPumzuhsIMRFk - Join WhatsApp group for this course using below URL: http://bit.ly/2lnabn2
- Watch Video Recording of previous classes by registering to mindsmover.com :
http://bit.ly/2osa7n8 - Sample code for Lab :
https://github.com/anchalsri82/JavaReact - Presentation files :
- Download meeting invite by clicking on below URL:
Home Assignment :
21st Sep 2019- Download and Install
- JVM (Java Virtual Machine) - https://www.java.com/en/download/
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers OR IntelliJ IDE for Java
- NodeJS https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
- TortoiseGit using URL - https://tortoisegit.org/download
- Q-Dir using URL - https://www.softwareok.com/?Download=Q-Dir
- Read the presentation at http://bit.ly/2mscOUP once again for revision.
- Watch the recorded videos at http://bit.ly/2m0vHOw for revision and make notes for yourself using pen and paper.
- Write a Java program that:
- Output "I CAN LEARN JAVA!!!"
- Takes yes or no as input and print "SORRY" if user enters yes.
- Write a Java program that take yes or no as input and print "SORRY" if user enters yes.
- Share your answers for above 4 problems on whatsapp group.
- Create an account on GitHub.com and ping your GitHub username to Anchal to get permission on GitHub project.
- Read the presentation at http://bit.ly/2m5NcwY once again for revision.
- Watch the recorded videos at http://bit.ly/2m0vHOw for revision and make notes for yourself using pen and paper.
- Download and Install below applications:
- Notepad++ - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
- Sublime text editor - https://www.sublimetext.com/download
- Beyond Compare - https://www.scootersoftware.com/download.php
- Putty - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html
- SuperPutty - https://www.puttygen.com/superputty#SuperPuTTY_download
- List out atleast 1 mobile application and 1 web application you would like to build as part of this course or after completing this course and ping it on our whatsapp group.
- Join WhatsApp group of fellow learner using URL http://bit.ly/2lnabn2 and introduce yourself this WhatsApp group, if not done already.
- Create a github account and share your github username with me.
- Read the presentation at http://bit.ly/2m5NcwY once again for revision, if not done already.
- Watch the recorded videos at http://bit.ly/2m0vHOw for revision and make notes for yourself using pen and paper, if not done already.
- Write a Java program that:
- Outputs "I will build Mobile App"
- Outputs "I will be master in Java and React after completing this course."
- Takes input as month number and outputs the month name. e.g. if input is 3, output should be March, if input is 12, output should be December.
- Takes marks in percentage as input and print "Grade A" if percentage >= 80, print "Grade B", if percentage >=70 and percentage <80, "Fails" otherwise.
- Discuss in WhatsApp group http://bit.ly/2lnabn2 if you are facing any problem with any of the above home assignments.
- Complete all previous assignments.
- Write a Java program that:
- Outputs "I wrote many Java programs"
- Outputs "I want to learn Java to build mobile apps"
- Takes input as Exam Result as either Pass or Fail and outputs "I'll buy car" if input is "Yes", outputs "I'll buy bicycle", if input is "No", output.
- Takes take input as your drink type as either "Alcohol" or "Non-Alcohol" input and outputs "You can drive car" if input is "non-Alcohol", "You can't drive car because you are drunk and it's not safe" if input is Alcohol
- Join and discuss in WhatsApp group http://bit.ly/2lnabn2 if you are facing any problem with any of the above home assignments.
- Download and Install