flutterAmplify is a collection of flutter plugins for AWS Amplify SDK.
Authentication: APIs and building blocks for developers who want to create user authentication experiences.
Analytics(coming soon): Easily collect analytics data for your app. Analytics data includes user sessions and other custom events that you want to track in your app.
API(coming soon): Provides a simple solution when making HTTP requests. It provides an automatic, lightweight signing process which complies with AWS Signature Version 4.
Storage(coming soon): Provides a simple mechanism for managing user content for your app in public, protected or private storage buckets.
Push Notifications(coming soon): Allows you to integrate push notifications in your app with Amazon Pinpoint targeting and campaign management support.
PubSub(coming soon): Provides connectivity with cloud-based message-oriented middleware.
- Select the required Amplify Flutter plugin
- Install the plugin from pub.dev
- Follow the instructions mentioned here for APIs and references