stm32 learn for diploma VKR 2022
Tst002 - ... old
Tst004 - code for stm32f746gz-nucleo, current
mqtt - mqtt-broker, client and sqlite db
| bme | oled | STM32 || color |
| gnd | GND | - || brown |
| vcc | VCC | + || red |
+ + +-------++--------+
| | D0 | PF7 || BLUE |
| | D1 | PF9 || PURPLE |
| | RES | PG0 || BLACK |
| | DC | PG1 || WHITE |
| | CS | PE3 || GREY |
+ +------+-------++--------+
| scl | | PF1 || yello |
| sda | | PF0 || orange |
| csb | | + || |
| sdo | | || |
sprint not show float
The float formatting support is not enabled, check your MCU Settings from “Project Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Tool Settings”, or add manually “-u _printf_float ”In linker flags.
( -
some troubles with ETH
On case start without eth-connection, after attach cords eth connetction not configured, need "reset"