Calculates the difference between two (nested) maps.
The idea is very simple: One of four things can happen to each key in a map:
- It remains the same:
- It was not in the original map, but it is in the new one:
- It was in the original map, but is no longer in the new one:
- It is in both maps, but its value changed.
For the fourth variant, MapDiff.diff/2 returns :primitive_change
if the value under the key was 'simply changed',
and :map_change
if in both arguments this value itself is a map,
which means that MapDiff.diff/2
was called on it recursively.
@doc """ This is the single function that MapDiff currently exports.
It returns a 'patch', which is a map describing the changes between
and map_b
If the (nested) map is still the same, it is considered :equal
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{my: 1}, %{my: 1})
%{changed: :equal, value: %{my: 1}}
When a key disappears, it is considered :removed
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{a: 1}, %{})
%{changed: :map_change, value: %{a: %{changed: :removed, value: 1}}}
When a key appears, it is considered :added
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{}, %{b: 2})
%{changed: :map_change, value: %{b: %{changed: :added, value: 2}}}
When the value of a key changes (and the old nor the new value was a map),
then this is considered a :primitive_change
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{b: 3}, %{b: 2})
%{changed: :map_change,
value: %{b: %{added: 2, changed: :primitive_change, removed: 3}}}
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{val: 3}, %{val: %{}})
%{changed: :map_change,
value: %{val: %{changed: :primitive_change, added: %{}, removed: 3}}}
When the value of a key changes, and the old and new values are both maps,
then this is considered a :map_change
that can be parsed recursively.
iex> MapDiff.diff(%{a: %{}}, %{a: %{b: 1}})
%{changed: :map_change,
value: %{a: %{changed: :map_change,
value: %{b: %{changed: :added, value: 1}}}}}
A more complex example, to see what happens with nested maps:
iex> foo = %{a: 1, b: 2, c: %{d: 3, e: 4, f: 5}}
iex> bar = %{a: 1, b: 42, c: %{d: %{something_else: "entirely"}, f: 10}}
iex> MapDiff.diff(foo, bar)
%{changed: :map_change,
value: %{a: %{changed: :equal, value: 1},
b: %{added: 42, changed: :primitive_change, removed: 2},
c: %{changed: :map_change,
value: %{d: %{added: %{something_else: "entirely"},
changed: :primitive_change, removed: 3},
e: %{changed: :removed, value: 4},
f: %{added: 10, changed: :primitive_change, removed: 5}}}}}
It is also possible to compare two structs of the same kind.
will add a struct_name
field to the output,
so you are reminded of the kind of struct whose fields were changed.
For example, suppose you define the following structs:
defmodule Foo do
defstruct a: 1, b: 2, c: 3
defmodule Baz do
defstruct a: "foo", b: "bar", z: "baz"
Then the fields of one Foo
struct can be compared to another:
iex> MapDiff.diff(%Foo{}, %Foo{a: 3})
%{changed: :map_change, struct_name: Foo,
value: %{a: %{added: 3, changed: :primitive_change, removed: 1},
b: %{changed: :equal, value: 2}, c: %{changed: :equal, value: 3}}}
When comparing two different kinds of structs, this of course results in a :primitive_change, as they are simply considered primitive data types.
iex> MapDiff.diff(%Foo{}, %Bar{})
%{added: %Bar{a: "foo", b: "bar", z: "baz"}, changed: :primitive_change,
removed: %Foo{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}}
The package can be installed
by adding map_diff
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:map_diff, "~> 1.0"}]
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