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JXML Validator (jxmlval)

CLI tool to validate an XML file against an XML Schema Definition (XSD).


The simplest way to use jxmlval on any system is via Docker. For example, to display jxmlval's help:

docker run --rm -it andreburgaud/jxmlval --help
     ___  ____  __ _ __     __    _      
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 \___//_/\_\_|  |_|_____\_/ \__,_|_|     

Usage: jxmlval [-hV] [--java-version] [--xsd=<xsdFile>] [<xmlFiles>...]
Validate XML files against XML Schema (XSD Validation).
      [<xmlFiles>...]   XML Files
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
      --java-version    Show Java Version.
  -V, --version         Print version information and exit.
      --xsd=<xsdFile>   XSD File

To validate an XML file books.xml against an XML schema definition file books.xsd, you can use the following command:

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/xml_files:/files andreburgaud/jxmlval --xsd /files/books.xsd /files/books.xml
✅ /files/books.xsd (XML Schema)
✅ /files/books.xml

The XML and XSD files are in the git repository, folder xml_files. The example above assumes you run the command from the root of the project.

Java Compilation

To execute a local non-native version, first, create a distribution:

./gradlew installDist

Then you can execute jxmlval by invoking the generated bootstrap script:

build/install/jxmlval/bin/jxmlval --help

Native Compilation

  • You can see the justfile task native-linux to perform a Linux native build.
  • Linux x86_64 native executables are available in the GitHub releases section
  • Static executable images are not supported on Mac Os (Darwin)

Native Image via Docker

If you are on Linux x86-64, you can build the Docker image and then extract the files needed to execute jxmlval locally without the need to install Java on your machine (Docker is still required):

docker create --name jxmlval-build andreburgaud/jxmlval
docker cp jxmlval-build:/jxmlval .
docker rm -f jxmlval-build

To run the application:

./jxmlval --help

Native Image

To build a native image on your machine - not via Docker - you need to install GraalVM. You can also use SDKMAN to manage different JVMs, including GraalVM.

You can build a local native image, executing the following command (requires just

just native-image

To test and execute the application:

native/bin/jxmlval --help

You can also manually run the individual commands from the task native-image in the justfile.


MIT License