ESP8266 and ESP32 compatible firmware to read, interpret and publish data to MQTT from smart electrical meters, both DLMS and DSMR is supported
ESP8266 and ESP32 compatible firmware to read, interpret and publish data to MQTT from smart electrical meters, both DLMS and DSMR is supported
Minimal esp-idf example of HTTP portal to perform OTA updates of ESP32 in SoftAP mode
Power On and Off WebOS LG TVs together with your PC
Python Interface to TrainerRoad
MVVM(Model View ViewModel) sample in Kotlin using the components ViewModel, LiveData and Retrofit library
Garmin watch face source code with ~2k downloads (written on monkey C :D )
A Watchface for Garmin Smartwatches
🧩 Kotlin coding puzzle and solutions
Starter files, final projects and FAQ for my Complete Node.js Bootcamp
A boilerplate for REST API Development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
Binance_grid_trader is a grid strategy bot trading with Binance Spot and Binance Futures Exchange. you can use it to trade any pair in Binance Exchange. Binance_grid_trader是一个币安网格策略软件, 目前支持币安现货,USD…
Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware.
Reference documentation for the Zwift workout file format
✨ A different take on designing a Lovelace UI (Dashboard)
Custom toasts with color and icon on Android.
💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...
Forecast MVVM app as found in the free course.