- Pro
jarvis Public
API that receives messages from the user and creates a conversation with the user and a GPT API model. Tools used: Python (Flask), OpenAI API, Azure, TDD, CI/CD pipelines, Database architecture, Mo…
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 27, 2024 -
it-services Public
API Gateway that receives a job conversion and calls the necessary service. Returns the converted file. Tools used: Python (FastAPI), Microservices architecture, Factory Design Pattern, TDD.
Python UpdatedJul 19, 2023 -
auto-email-sender Public
Flask App that reads a CSV with user information, reads a folder with documents, and automatically sends emails to each user with his corresponding document. Tools used: Python (Flask), Pandas, Dat…
Python UpdatedJul 9, 2023 -
microblog-flask Public
Microblog created with Flask. Features: Register, follow user, create a post, update profile, notifications, background tasks.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 5, 2023 -
aws-spotify-etl Public
Azure Serverless, cloud Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) Python solution
UpdatedDec 4, 2022 -
twitter-streaming-data Public
Twitter Data Exploring with Python and Apache Spark
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 2, 2022 -
andresc-pizza-planet-backend Public
Flask App for a pizza restaurant management. You can see and manage orders, ingredients, bevarages, etc.
Python UpdatedOct 17, 2022 -
web-scrapper Public
This is a Web Scrapper for retrieving nature.com's articles using Python and Beautiful Soup
AI-TicTacToe Public
This is a Tic-Tac-Toe game wich has two modes: single player (player vs AI) or two players.
MIT License UpdatedApr 18, 2022 -
Password-Hacker Public
This password hack application will approach different scenarios for a server's admin.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2022 -
acme-employees Public
This program will get information of ACME's employees worked schedules and output a table containing how many times a pair of employees have coincided in office.
Automatic-Email-Sender Public
Flask App that reads a CSV with user information, reads a folder with documents, and automatically sends emails to each user with his corresponding document. Tools used: Python (Flask), Pandas, Dat…
Python UpdatedMar 16, 2022 -
Programmer-Hangman Public
This is a short version of the hangman game. Read the README for more info.
1 UpdatedJan 16, 2022 -
Loan-Calculator Public
This calculator uses command line arguments to give the user what they want to know about their loan. It calculates annuity and differentiated payments. It can calculate how long will take to pay t…
Tic-Tac-Toe Public
In this simple Tic-Tac-Toe, X's and O's will fight until there's a winner, a draw or it's an impossible game.
1 UpdatedDec 10, 2021 -
In this DataCamp project we will dig into the true Scala experts by exploring its development in GitHub.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
This DataCamp project will deconstruct information and draw inferences from a large dataset of Google Play apps and user reviews, using your data manipulation and analytical skills.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
In this DataCamp project we will prepare and plot some data on the history of the well-known, incredible sitcom, The Office.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
This project was made to visualize some meaningful insights of the Nobel Prize Awards data.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
This DataCamp project is made to better understand the growth and impact of some cryptocurrencies. Is an exploratory project of the market capitalization.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 18, 2021