This repository contains a few dummy templates for VeeCode Platform DevPortal.
These serve as examples of our standard "Environment" --> "Cluster" --> "Project" hierarchy and also as a starting point to implement new templates of your own design from scratch.
The repository includes the following templates:
: An example of an environment template implementation.project
: An example of a project template implementation.cluster
: An example of a cluster template implementation.
To use these templates, clone this repository and configure it in your devportal catalog.
A quick way to run DevPortal loading this repository as a template library can de done using Okteto.
okteto context use # okteto login
okteto kubeconfigexport NAMESPACE="your-okteto-namespace"
helm upgrade devportal --install veecode-platform/devportal \
--set "platform.behaviour.mode=demo" \
--set "${NAMESPACE}" \
--set "appConfig.backend.baseUrl=https://devportal-${NAMESPACE}" \
--set "locations[0].type=url,locations[0].target="
A read-only DevPortal instance will be available at https://devportal-${NAMESPACE}
For more information about using these templates and configuring them in your devportal catalog, please refer to the Platform Documentation.