Andrew Gomella and Alireza Panna
- Updated to work with x64 python
- PV back up and restore now done using epics.autosave
- 4/06/15: Added devIocStats record supports
- 4/06/15: Added capability to run ioc as daemon using procServ (
- 4/06/15: Added some records from nikoncswrapper (ported from v2.0 beta)
- 4/06/15: Added a record to scan focus mode every 30s
- 4/06/15: nikonqt screen updated to implement some of these new record. Renamed as nikonqt-v1.2
- 4/21/15: Added sync support for oxford series micro focus x-ray source. Updated qt screen as well
- 10/01/2013: First version created
- When first boot red x shows on client caqt screen up even if file exists
- The win32serviceutil library throws an error when used with procServ
- neftotiff needs stress testing with live scans
- add rotation option to neftotiff
- add documentation (how to get set up)
- cpi sync functionality