Team members:
- Sharon Lee
- Daniel Lin
- Andrew Jung
- Konstantin Sokovykh
- Julien Brillon
For music lovers who wants customized music based on their mood, taste, and occation, but tired of your music player randomly shuffling to the wrong music. This Android app analyzes your mood and location, provided by Muse headband and Estimote beacons, to always play what you want to hear.
Muse headband analyzes user's brain waves to determine mindfulness and concentration levels. This further categorizes the user's state as one of relaxed, focused, alert, and excited. Our Musek app uses this knowledge to pick the right music or audio.
The Estimote beacons enhance the Musek app by making it context to the situation to provide further custimization to the user experience. This allows the music to trasition as the user's location changes. For example, the app plays morning news in the kitchen to help you start the day.
Further improvements: machines learning algorithm to enhance customization, incorporate heartrate or other sensors in determine user state more accurately, sharing your mood with friends