This extension allows a single Solidus instance to have several customer facing stores, with a single shared backend administration system (i.e. multi-store, single-vendor).
Store model which has the following attributes:
1.1 name - The display name for the store.
1.2 domains - a line separated list of fully qualified domain names used to associate a customers session with a particular store (you can use localhost and/or IP addresses too).
1.3 code - which is a abbreviated version of the store's name (used as the layout directory name, and also helpful for separating partials by store).
1.4 default - one store should be marked a default as a fallback in case the URL being used to access the site cannot be matched against any of the configured stores.
Stores and domains can be maintained via the configuration section of the Admin interface
Each store can have its own layout(s) - these layouts should be located in your site's theme extension in the app/views/spree/layouts/store#code/directory. So, if you have a store with a code of "alpha" you should store its default layout in app/views/spree/layouts/alpha/spree_application.html.erb
Each product can be assigned to one or more stores.
All orders are associated with the store / domain that they were placed on.
Looking for additional information? Checkout out the wiki.
Add solidus_multi_domain to your Gemfile:
gem 'solidus_multi_domain'
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g solidus_multi_domain:install
You should see 'Stores & Domains' in Configuration tab of Spree Admin.
To see if your stores indeed do point to the correct and unique domains, start your server with
rails s -p 3000 -b
and give a store a domain like
Then you can access to your store by going to
in your browser.
If you'd like access to Solidus factories for your own tests that work well
with this extension, add the following to your spec_helper
require "spree_multi_domain/testing_support/factory_overrides"
For discrete authorization, two permission sets have been added to allow for granular display in the admin.
and Spree::PermissionSets::StoreManagement
have been added and can be assigned via RoleConfiguration
First bundle your dependencies, then run rake
. rake
will default to building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs, and Rubocop static code analysis. The dummy app can be regenerated by using rake test_app
When testing your application's integration with this extension you may use its factories. Simply add this require statement to your spec_helper:
require 'solidus_multi_domain/factories'
Your new extension version can be released using gem-release
like this:
bundle exec gem bump -v VERSION --tag --push --remote upstream && gem release
Copyright (c) 2016 Solidus Team, released under the New BSD License