PLease use:
No longer maintained.
A super fast, production hardened HHVM / PHP-7 Dockerfile
served by Nginx forward proxy. See link for the why. Perfect for horizontally distributed Laravel
applications run within a Docker container cluster.
Note due to issues with Boot2Docker and VirtualBox response times on a local environment (with these tools) is slightly degraded with local volumes enabled.
Note Installs hirak/prestissimo composer parallel install plugin. If you have issues with composer installs remove this plugin.
- HHVM (Facebooks PHP-7 runtime)
- Nginx (FastCGI web-server)
- Composer (PHP package manager)
- PHPUnit (PHP unit testing)
Preferably used in a horizontally scaled Docker container environment (such as docker-compose) run alongside other services such as Redis and MariaDB.
CD into your cloned repository
cd nginx-hhvm-docker
Firstly lets scale the web
servers, from your project execute:
docker-compose scale web=3
Now we boot the rest of the services by executing:
docker-compose up
Voila! simply visit
and you have a fully load-balanced, horizintally scaled application inferstructure!
NOTE: Make sure you add
to your hosts file if developing locally with the IP address of the docker-machine
We reccomend you create your own Dockerfile build, based upon this image.
Image is based upon the official nginx docker repository, see git repo for more information.