A boilerplate for building React-Pixi apps with Redux, ES6 and webpack. Create/control a Pixi.js canvas using React.
- React 0.13
- React Pixi 0.7
- Redux 3.3
- ES6, ES7 & JSX to ES5 via babel
- webpack with react hot loader, and other useful loaders
- Local CSS
- Karma, mocha, chai & sinon for testing with mocking examples
- Basic flux architecture with app actions, stores and example web API usage
- React router (feature/react-router)
- Material UI (feature/material-ui)
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/andrewmunro/react-redux-pixi-seed.git my-project
npm start
- Build and start the app in dev mode at http://localhost:8000npm test
- Run the testsnpm run dist
- Build a production build
### Writing components:
// Filename: Main.js
import React from 'react';
import {Stage, Text, Sprite} from 'react-pixi';
import {Point} from 'pixi.js';
import config from 'config'
import bunny from 'images/bunny.png';
class AppComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
var bunnyX = config.stage.width / 2;
var bunnyY = config.stage.height / 2 - 100;
return (
<div className="index">
<Stage width={config.stage.width} height={config.stage.height}>
<Sprite image={bunny} x={bunnyX} y={bunnyY} key="1"/>
<Text text="This is a pixi stage :)"
x={config.stage.width / 2}
y={config.stage.height / 2}
anchor={new Point(0.5,0)}
AppComponent.defaultProps = {};
export default AppComponent;
- Use fat arrows for anonymous functions
- Don't use
. Uselet
This project was initially generated using https://github.com/banderson/generator-redux
Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Munro