A Django Project to Queue Posts for Publishing at Posterous.
grab the code
git clone http://github.com/andrewwatts/posterousq.git cd posterousq
Create a virtualenv (with virtualenvwrapper)
mkvirtualenv posterousq workon posterousq easy_install pip
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
Configure your settings, an example
is included insettings.py.sample
, copy it tosettings.py
before editing:cd posterousq cp settings.py.sample settings.py
At a minimum you'll need to define your posterous username (email address) and password, and if you have more than one site, and do not want your posts going to your default site, the site id.
POSTEROUS_USERNAME = '[email protected]' POSTEROUS_PASSWORD = 'yourpassword' POSTEROUS_SITE_ID = 'optional_site_id'
and modify your database settings appropriately for your database configuration
Install and/or sync your database
cd .. ./manage.py syncdb
Run the celeryd workers, scheduler and server in your environment, for development these commands can be used.
./manage.py celeryd -B ./manage.py runserver
For more formal deployment options, you're on your own, but there are plenty of howto's in the celery cookbook and django docs. And remember you could be dealing with some large files, so you'll need to configure the webserver properly to handle large file uploads.