A tool to explore statistics of your chats on popular messengers. Currently only Telegram.
Current version allows you to download your chat and build a heatmap of messages during the year.
- Clone this repo from github
- Install necessary python libraries:
pip3 install Django telethon redis celery django-celery-results "celery[redis]" pytz tzlocal django-debug-toolbar psycopg2-binary python-dateutil
- Copy settings
$ cd chat-explorer/chatexplorer
$ cp local_settings.py.example local_settings.py
- Get your api settings from https://my.telegram.org/ and put them in local_settings.py
- Install redis for celery (if you have RabbitMQ or SQS available, you can use them instead for celery backend). You can install it locally or use included docker-compose.yml
- (Optional) Use your existing db for django installation. By default it uses sqlite database.
- Run all the components (currently this app is supposed to be run locally for your own chats)
$ cd ..
$ docker-compose up -d
Starting chatexplorer_redis_1 ...
Starting chatexplorer_redis_1 ... done
$ celery -A chatexplorer worker -l info
(...celery will run in foreground)
$ python3 manage.py runserver
(...django dev server will run in foreground)
- Create database:
$ docker exec -it chat-explorer_postgres_1 psql -U postgres
postgres=# create database chat_explorer;
- Apply migrations:
$ python3 manage.py migrate
- Open app: http://localhost:8000/
- Add messenger account (currently Telegram only)
- Import the chat from the account