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andrie committed Jun 8, 2019
1 parent 95dff2a commit 50b7707
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Showing 7 changed files with 301 additions and 32 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@

~/[email protected]_google_apis_auth.RDS
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,19 +8,21 @@ Date: 2019-05-30
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
testthat (>= 2.1.0),
VignetteBuilder: rmarkdown
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions R/authenticate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,16 @@ get_google_token <- function(google_app){
scope = ''

options(gargle_quiet = FALSE)
get_google_token <- function(email = NULL, google_app = NULL){
if (missing(google_app) || is.null(google_app)) {
google_app <- rstudio_app
scopes = '',
app = google_app,
email = email
64 changes: 38 additions & 26 deletions R/read_google_calendar.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,32 +61,16 @@ squash_without_warning <- function(x)suppressWarnings(squash(x))
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "created", "updated", "start_date", "end_date", "end_dateTime", "start_dateTime"))

#' Read list of google calendar events.
#' @inheritParams get_gcal_list
#' @param id calendar id, obtained from [get_gcal_list()]
#' @param max_results Maximum number of results retrieved per query
#' @param days_in_past Restrict results to date range, number of days in past
#' @param days_in_future Restrict results to date range, number of days into future
#' @references
#' @family gcal functions
#' @export
get_gcal_events <- function(id, google_token, max_results = 250, days_in_past = 90, days_in_future = 90){
message("Reading calendar ", id)
time_min <- Sys.time() - days_in_past * 24 * 3600
time_max <- Sys.time() + days_in_future * 24 * 3600

call_gcal_api <- function(id, google_token, time_min, time_max, max_results = 250){
api = ""
time_min <- strftime(time_min, tz = "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00Z")
time_max <- strftime(time_max, tz = "UTC", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00Z")

api = ""
url <- sprintf(
api, id, max_results, time_min, time_max
r <- GET(url, config(token = google_token))
r <- content(r)

items <- r$items
Expand All @@ -100,12 +84,40 @@ get_gcal_events <- function(id, google_token, max_results = 250, days_in_past =
message(".", appendLF = FALSE)
new_url <- sprintf("%s&pageToken=%s", url, r[["nextPageToken"]])
r <- GET(new_url, config(token = google_token))
r <- content(r)
new_items <- r$items
items <- append(items, new_items)
if (retrieved_more) message()

#' Read list of google calendar events.
#' @inheritParams get_gcal_list
#' @param id calendar id, obtained from [get_gcal_list()]
#' @param days_in_past Restrict results to date range, number of days in past
#' @param days_in_future Restrict results to date range, number of days into future
#' @param now Reference time stamp, defaulting to [Sys.time()]
#' @param max_results Maximum number of results retrieved per query
#' @references
#' @family gcal functions
#' @export
get_gcal_events <- function(id, google_token, days_in_past = 90, days_in_future = 90, now = Sys.time(), max_results = 250){
message("Reading calendar ", id)
time_min <- now - days_in_past * 24 * 3600
time_max <- now + days_in_future * 24 * 3600

items <- call_gcal_api(
id = id,
google_token = google_token,
time_min = time_min,
time_max = time_max,
max_results = max_results

drop_attendees <- function(x){
x %>%
Expand All @@ -128,12 +140,12 @@ get_gcal_events <- function(id, google_token, max_results = 250, days_in_past =

events %>%
created = transform_or_na(., "created", as_datetime),
updated = transform_or_na(., "updated", as_datetime),
start_date = transform_or_na(., "start_date"),
end_date = transform_or_na(., "end_date"),
start_dateTime = as_datetime(start_dateTime),
end_dateTime = as_datetime(end_dateTime)
created = transform_or_na(., "created", as_datetime),
updated = transform_or_na(., "updated", as_datetime),
start_date = transform_or_na(., "start_date"),
end_date = transform_or_na(., "end_date"),
start_dateTime = transform_or_na(., "start_dateTime", as_datetime),
end_dateTime = transform_or_na(., "end_dateTime", as_datetime)

Expand Down
Binary file added R/sysdata.rda
Binary file not shown.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions discovery-doc-ingest/drive-example.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

## necessary only during gargle development to get devtools' shim for
## system.file()

system.file("discovery-doc-ingest", "ingest-functions.R", package = "gcalendr")

x <- download_discovery_document("calendar:v3")
dd <- read_discovery_document(x)

methods <- get_raw_methods(dd)

methods <- methods %>% map(groom_properties, dd)
methods <- methods %>% map(add_schema_params, dd)
methods <- methods %>% map(add_global_params, dd)

.endpoints <- methods
attr(.endpoints, "base_url") <- dd$rootUrl
## View(.endpoints)

# usually you would execute this from *within* the target package,
# but I cannot do so in this example
# please excuse the shenanigans to temporarily target the googledrive project
if (basename(getwd()) == "gcalendr") {
usethis::use_data(.endpoints, internal = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
} else {
warning("Execute this code only from inside the `gcalendr` project")
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions discovery-doc-ingest/ingest-functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@

#' Get versioned IDs from API Discovery Service
#' @return A character vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' get_discovery_ids()
#' grep("drive", get_discovery_ids(), value = TRUE)
#' grep("sheets", get_discovery_ids(), value = TRUE)
#' grep("gmail", get_discovery_ids(), value = TRUE)
#' grep("bigquery", get_discovery_ids(), value = TRUE)
get_discovery_ids <- function() {
apis <- httr::content(
map_chr(apis[["items"]], "id")

#' Download a Discovery Document
#' @param id Versioned ID string for target API. Use [get_discovery_ids()] to
#' see them all and find the one you want.
#' @param path Target filepath. Default filename is formed from the API's
#' versioned ID and the Discovery Document's revision date. Default parent
#' directory is the current package's `data-raw/` directory, if such exists,
#' or current working directory, otherwise.
#' @return Filepath
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' download_discovery_document("drive:v3")
#' download_discovery_document("sheets:v4")
#' download_discovery_document("gmail:v1")
#' download_discovery_document("bigquery:v2")
#' download_discovery_document("docs:v1")
#' download_discovery_document("youtube:v3")
download_discovery_document <- function(id, path = NULL) {
av <- set_names(as.list(strsplit(id, split =":")[[1]]), c("api", "version"))
getRest_url <-
url <- glue::glue_data(av, getRest_url)
dd <- httr::GET(url)
httr::stop_for_status(dd, glue::glue("find Discovery Document for ID '{id}'"))

if (is.null(path)) {
dd_content <- httr::content(dd)
api_date <- dd_content[c("revision", "id")]
api_date <- c(
id = sub(":", "-", api_date$id),
revision = as.character(as.Date(api_date$revision, format = "%Y%m%d"))
json_filename <- fs::path(paste(api_date, collapse = "_"), ext = "json")
data_raw <- rprojroot::find_package_root_file("data-raw")
path <- if (fs::dir_exists(data_raw)) {
fs::path(data_raw, json_filename)
} else {

writeLines(httr::content(dd, as = "text"), path)

#' Read a Discovery Document
#' @param path Path to a JSON Discovery Document
#' @return A list
#' @examples
#' drive <- "data-raw/drive-v3_2019-02-07.json"
#' dd <- read_discovery_document(drive)
read_discovery_document <- function(path) {

#' Get raw methods
#' @param dd List representing a Discovery Document
#' @return a named list with one element per method
#' @examples
#' drive <- "data-raw/drive-v3_2019-02-07.json"
#' dd <- read_discovery_document(drive)
#' ee <- get_raw_methods(dd)
get_raw_methods <- function(dd) {
dd %>%
pluck("resources") %>%
map("methods") %>%
flatten() %>%
set_names(map_chr(., "id"))

#' Groom method properties
#' Tweak raw method properties to make them more useful to us downstream:
#' * Prepend the API's `servicePath` to `path`s.
#' * Remove the constant stem `""` from
#' scopes and collapse multiple scopes into one comma-separated string.
#' * Elevate any `$ref` part of `request` or `response` to be the actual
#' data for `request` or `response`.
#' * Reorder the properties so they appear in a predictable order. However,
#' we do not turn missing properties into explicitly missing properties,
#' i.e. we don't guarantee all methods have the same properties.
#' We don't touch the `parameters` list here, because it needs enough work to
#' justify having separate functions for that.
#' @param methods A named list of raw methods, from [get_raw_methods()]
#' @param dd A Discovery Document as a list, from [read_discovery_document()]
#' @return A named list of "less raw" methods
groom_properties <- function(method, dd) {
method$path <- fs::path(dd$servicePath, method$path)

condense_scopes <- function(scopes) {
scopes %>%
str_remove("") %>%
str_c(collapse = ", ")
method$scopes <- condense_scopes(method$scopes)

## I am currently ignoring the fact that `request` sometimes has both
## a `$ref` and a `parameterName` part in the original JSON
if (has_name(method, "request")) {
method$request <- method$request$`$ref`
if (has_name(method, "response")) {
method$response <- method$response$`$ref`

# all of the properties in the RestMethod schema, in order of usefulness
property_names <- c(
"id", "httpMethod", "path", "parameters", "scopes", "description",
"request", "response",
"mediaUpload", "supportsMediaDownload", "supportsMediaUpload",
"etagRequired", "parameterOrder", "supportsSubscription"

method[intersect(property_names, names(method))]

#' Expand schema placeholders
#' Adds the properties associated with a `request` schema to a method's
#' parameter list.
#' Some methods can send an instance of a API resource in the body of a request.
#' This is indicated by the presence of a schema in the method's `request`
#' property. For example, the `drive.files.copy` method permits a "Files
#' resource" in the request body. This is how you convey the desired `name` of
#' the new copy.
#' In practice, this means you can drop such metadata in the body. That is, you
#' don't actually have to label this explicitly as having `kind = drive#file`
#' (although that would probably be more proper!), nor do you have to include
#' all the possible pieces of metadata that constitute a "Files resource". Just
#' specify the bits that you need to.
#' This function consults the method's `request` and, if it holds a schema, the
#' schema metadata is appended to the method's existing parameters. This way our
#' request building functions recognize the keys and know that such info belongs
#' in the body (vs. the url or the query).
#' @param method A single method
#' @param dd A Discovery Document as a list, from [read_discovery_document()]
#' @return The input method, but with a potentially expanded parameter list.
add_schema_params <- function(method, dd) {
req <- pluck(method, "request")
if (is.null(req)) {

id <- method$id
schema_params <- dd[[c("schemas", req, "properties")]]
schema_params <- modify(schema_params, ~ `[[<-`(.x, "location", "body"))

message(glue::glue("{id} gains {req} schema params\n"))
method$parameters <- c(method$parameters, schema_params)

#' Add API-wide parameters
#' Certain parameters are sensible for any request to a specific API and,
#' indeed, are usually common across APIs. Examples are "fields", "key", and
#' "oauth_token". This function appends these parameters to a method's parameter
#' list. Yes, this means some info is repeated in all methods, but this way our
#' methods are more self-contained and our request building functions can be
#' simpler.
#' @param method A single method
#' @param dd A Discovery Document as a list, from [read_discovery_document()]
#' @return The input method, but with an expanded parameter list.
add_global_params <- function(method, dd) {
method[["parameters"]] <- c(method[["parameters"]], dd[["parameters"]])

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