This project was inspired by the work of, adding typing and new features like the upload of a document.
Unofficial reMarkable api wrapper for node.js based on these unofficial docs. This module is typed for TypeScript, but you can still use JavaScript with it.
yarn add remarkable-typescript
# OR
npm install remarkable-typescript
Then, go to reMarkable's website to genereate a code to pair your reMarkable. This code is only available 5 minutes.
import { Remarkable, ItemResponse } from 'remarkable-typescript';
// const { Remarkable, ItemResponse } = require('remarkable-typescript');
const fs = require('fs');
(async () => {
* Create the reMarkable client
* Params: { deviceToken?: string }
* Returns: client: Remarkable
const client = new Remarkable();
* Register your reMarkable and generate a device token. You must do this first to pair your device if you didn't specify a token. This may take a few seconds to complete. It seems that the deviceToken never expires.
* Params: { code: string }
* Returns: deviceToken: string
const deviceToken = await client.register({ code: 'created code' });
// (optional) skip registration in the future with `new Remarkable({deviceToken})`
* (Re)generate a token from the deviceToken. You MUST call this function after creating the client. This token, used to interact with storage, is different from the deviceToken. This function is automatically called in register(). This token expires.
* Params: none
* Returns: token: string
await client.refreshToken();
* List all items, files and folders.
* Params: none
* Returns: ItemResponse[]
const items = await client.getAllItems();
* Get an item by id
* Params: id: string
* Returns: ItemResponse | null
const item = await client.getItemWithId('some uuid');
* Delete an item by is ID and document version
* Params: id: string, version: number
* Returns: success: boolean
await client.deleteItem('some uuid', 1);
const myPDF = fs.readFileSync('./my/PDF/location.pdf');
* Upload a PDF to your reMarkable
* Params: name: string, file: Buffer
* Returns: id: string
const pdfUploadedId = await client.uploadPDF('My PDF name', myPDF);
* Download a ZIP file to your reMarkable (with the annotations)
* Params: id: string
* Returns: Buffer
const zipFile = await client.downloadZip(pdfUploadedId);
* Upload a ZIP file to your reMarkable (must be a supported reMarkable format). You can generate the ID using uuidv4.
* Params: name: string, id: string, zipFile: Buffer
* Returns: id: string
const zipFileId = await client.uploadZip('My document name', ID: 'f831481c-7d2d-4776-922d-36e708d9d680', zipFile);