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Oat++ is a modern Web Framework for C++. It's fully loaded and contains all necessary components for effective production level development. It's also light and has a small memory footprint.
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- API Controller And Request Mapping
- Swagger-UI Annotations
- API Client - Retrofit / Feign Like Client
- Object Mapping
For more info see Api Controller
ENDPOINT("PUT", "/users/{userId}", putUser,
PATH(Int64, userId),
BODY_DTO(Object<UserDto>, userDto))
userDto->id = userId;
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, m_database->updateUser(userDto));
For more info see Api Controller / CORS
ENDPOINT("PUT", "/users/{userId}", putUser,
PATH(Int64, userId),
BODY_DTO(Object<UserDto>, userDto))
userDto->id = userId;
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, m_database->updateUser(userDto));
For more info see Api Controller / Authorization
using namespace oatpp::web::server::handler;
ENDPOINT("PUT", "/users/{userId}", putUser,
AUTHORIZATION(std::shared_ptr<DefaultBasicAuthorizationObject>, authObject),
PATH(Int64, userId),
BODY_DTO(Object<UserDto>, userDto))
OATPP_ASSERT_HTTP(authObject->userId == "Ivan" && authObject->password == "admin", Status::CODE_401, "Unauthorized");
userDto->id = userId;
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, m_database->updateUser(userDto));
For more info see Endpoint Annotation And API Documentation
// general
info->summary = "Update User by userId";
info->addResponse<Object<UserDto>>(Status::CODE_200, "application/json");
info->addResponse<String>(Status::CODE_404, "text/plain");
// params specific
info->pathParams["userId"].description = "User Identifier";
ENDPOINT("PUT", "/users/{userId}", putUser,
PATH(Int64, userId),
BODY_DTO(Object<UserDto>, userDto))
userDto->id = userId;
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, m_database->updateUser(userDto));
For more info see Api Client
class UserService : public oatpp::web::client::ApiClient {
API_CALL("GET", "/users", getUsers)
API_CALL("GET", "/users/{userId}", getUserById, PATH(Int64, userId))
auto response = userService->getUserById(id);
auto user = response->readBodyToDto<oatpp::Object<UserDto>>(objectMapper);
For more info see Data Transfer Object (DTO).
class UserDto : public oatpp::DTO {
DTO_FIELD(Int64, id);
DTO_FIELD(String, name);
using namespace oatpp::parser::json::mapping;
auto user = UserDto::createShared();
user->id = 1;
user->name = "Ivan";
auto objectMapper = ObjectMapper::createShared();
auto json = objectMapper->writeToString(user);
"id": 1,
"name": "Ivan"
While DTO objects apply strict rules on data ser/de, you can also
serialize/deserialize data in free form using type oatpp::Any
oatpp::Fields<oatpp::Any> map = {
{"title", oatpp::String("Hello Any!")},
auto json = mapper->writeToString(map);
"title": "Hello Any!",
"listOfAny": [
- ApiClient-Demo - Example project of how-to use Retrofit-like client wrapper (ApiClient) and how it works.
- AsyncApi - Example project of how-to use asynchronous API for handling large number of simultaneous connections.
- CRUD - Example project of how-to create basic CRUD endpoints.
- Can-Chat - Feature-complete rooms-based chat for tens of thousands users. Client plus Server.
- WebSocket - Collection of oatpp WebSocket examples.
- YUV-Websocket-Stream - Example project how-to create a YUV image stream from a V4L device (i.E. Webcam) using websockets.
- Example-IoT-Hue - Example project how-to create an Philips Hue compatible REST-API that is discovered and controllable by Hue compatible Smart-Home devices like Amazon Alexa or Google Echo.
- Media-Stream (Http-Live-Streaming) - Example project of how-to build HLS-streaming server using oat++ Async-API.
- YUV-Websocket-Stream - Example project how-to create a YUV image stream from a V4L device (i.E. Webcam) using websockets.
- TLS-Libressl - Example project how-to setup secure connection and serve via HTTPS.
- Consul - Example project of how-to use oatpp::consul::Client. Integration with Consul.
- Microservices - Example project on how to build microservices with Oat++, and example on how to consolidate those microservices using monolithization technique.
- MongoDB - Example project how to work with MongoDB using oatpp-mongo mondule. Project is a web-service with basic CRUD and Swagger-UI.
- PostgreSQL - Example of a production grade entity service storing information in PostgreSQL. With Swagger-UI and configuration profiles.