This is mostly Piotr Dollar's code for Edge Boxes object proposals from Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges, downloaded in July 2015.
I needed a way to call this stuff from Python;
and edge_boxes_wrapper.m
are the only new files you need to use the code. They have been adapted from
Sergey Karayev's Selective Search IJCV with Python code, which wraps an alternative object-proposal generator.
Make sure that the edges directory is in your PYTHONPATH and just do:
import edges
windows = edge_boxes.get_windows(image_filenames)
To make sure this works, simply python
Finally, I needed the code to be able to use the proposals together with Ross Girshick's Fast R-CNN: Fast Region-based Convolutional Networks for object detection .
A demo file for this is also included (
). To try it out build Fast R-CNN and drop the file in its 'tools' subdirectory.
The license is the same as for Piotr Dollar's Structured Edge Detection Toolbox V3.0 (see license.txt
) and his original readme is in sedt_readme.txt
Dubravko Culibrk 22 Jul 2015