OpenACR is a digital native Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). The initial development is based on Section 508 requirements. The main goal is to be able to compare the accessibility claims of …
Accessibility Support data for various HTML, ARIA, CSS, and SVG features
Demonstrates iOS SwiftUI Accessibility programming techniques using live good and bad examples that can be tested with VoiceOver and other AT. Includes documentation for developers explaining how t…
The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
Latest distribution version of A11yFirst CKEditor
Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
Complete listing of accessibility related lawsuits and settlements
anevins12 / twentytwenty
Forked from WordPress/twentytwentyDefault theme for Twenty Twenty
This is an admin UI for Drupal, built with JavaScript & React. ⬅️✌️➡️
[Book] 2019 edition of our front-end development handbook
Designed to make other elements clickable/tapable/pressable using its sibling or child links!
[✅ Merged into 4.9-alpha] Better Code Editing WordPress plugin
See how many hooks and filters the currently active theme has and what file it is located in.
Tools for WordPress dot org forum moderators