MHIP_experimental Public
Initial version of an experimental OS architecture for all microcontrollers. MHIP (Microcontroller Hardware Interface Programming), an virtual assembly-alike programming language, is designed to ma…
C MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2022 -
CFTPS_experimental Public
The CFTPS is an abbreviation of Cryptocurrency For The Post-Scarcity. A cryptocurrency that does not support and counter the modern monetary theory. It is designed to eliminate the speculative bubb…
MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2022 -
FFTALSA_Manifesto Public
Fully Futuristic Technology Automated Luxury Space Anarchism
Roff UpdatedFeb 13, 2022 -
ANNNet_experimental Public
ANNNetwork Experimental Prototyping Framework with the goal to establish the Meta-Internet.
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 17, 2022 -
python-proxy-rotator Public
Forked from jorgenkg/python-proxy-rotatorAn automatic proxy rotator - multithreaded & SSL
Python UpdatedJul 16, 2021 -
NNfSiX Public
Forked from Sentdex/NNfSiXNeural Networks from Scratch in various programming languages
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 2, 2021 -
tcpproxy Public
Forked from ickerwx/tcpproxyIntercepting TCP proxy to modify raw TCP streams using modules on incoming or outgoing traffic
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2021 -
RunPE-In-Memory Public
Forked from aaaddress1/RunPE-In-MemoryRun a Exe File (PE Module) in memory (like an Application Loader)
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 28, 2021 -
face-api.js Public
Forked from justadudewhohacks/face-api.jsJavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2021 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedFeb 28, 2021 -
vis_route Public
Forked from richardclegg/vis_routePython GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 31, 2021 -
bosch_headunit_root Public
Forked from ea/bosch_headunit_rootDocumentation and code for rooting and extending a Bosch car head unit (lcn2kai)
JavaScript UpdatedJan 26, 2021 -
CPFCX_experimental Public
(experimental projects) for Cognitive Programming For Conscious Machines (CPFCX)
MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2021 -
Defeat-Defender Public
Forked from swagkarna/Defeat-Defender-V1.2.0Disable Windows:Defender,Firewall,SmartScreen with batch file
Batchfile GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 17, 2020 -
SecGen Public
Forked from cliffe/SecGenCreate randomly insecure VMs
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 27, 2020 -
bleach Public
Forked from mozilla/bleachBleach is an allowed-list-based HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes
Python Other UpdatedNov 25, 2020 -
recon-ng Public
Forked from lanmaster53/recon-ngOpen Source Intelligence gathering tool aimed at reducing the time spent harvesting information from open sources.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2020 -
MMM-Face-Reco-DNN Public
Forked from nischi/MMM-Face-Reco-DNNFace recognition with opencv and deep neural network
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 21, 2020 -
exploit Public
Forked from am0nsec/exploitCollection of different exploits
Python UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
Breacher Public
Forked from s0md3v/BreacherAn advanced multithreaded admin panel finder written in python.
Python Other UpdatedNov 6, 2020 -
C-elegans-Neural-Interactome Public
Forked from shlizee/C-elegans-Neural-InteractomeRealtime simulation and visualization of neural dynamics of a full nervous system (C. elegans).
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 5, 2020 -
Sshap-WordInventor Public
Sshapenmwiezphardt language word development progress.
Python UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
OpenCV-Face-Recognition Public
Forked from Mjrovai/OpenCV-Face-RecognitionReal-time face recognition project with OpenCV and Python
Python UpdatedSep 30, 2020 -
nengo-gui Public
Forked from nengo/nengo-guiNengo interactive visualizer
JavaScript Other UpdatedAug 24, 2020 -
OSDSint Public
Open-Source DataSets inteligence. This repository contains every useful big data. A public repository of raw data, databases, data sets, and everything!
twitterick Public
Forked from dfm/twitterickCrowdsourced limericks.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 12, 2020