Author [Angels101]
Link to thegLive Site
Description Pitches-pitched is a web application that allows users to submit the one-minute pitches and thereafter others can be able to vote on the pitches and add comments. Pitches are based on categories.What are you waiting for? Make better first and lasting impressions in 60 seconds because that's what the world needs!
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- A user can see the pitches posted by other people
- A user can eithr downvote or upvote on a pitch as long as they are signed in.
- A user can add comment on the different pitches .
- A user can view and submit pitches by category.
- A user can sign out of the account as they please.
Python 3.8
HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap
Flask Framework
No known bugs so far
To support this application or add on to the application, feel free to contact the developer. Arthur
This project is licensed by MIT License Copyright (c) [angels101.Inc] 2020