Market activity over time and Sentiment Analysis on the economic categories of Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency), Gold and Inflation? - We will be analyzing the Sentiments between various User Tweets' on Tweeter for Bitcoin, Gold and Inflation via Twint (a WebScapper).
Once we have the cleaned the text, we will be running this information and comparing using the Sentiment Analyzers - NLTK Vader and Textblob. Then we will we analiyzing the overall Composite Sentiment for each category.
For our hypothesis, we are predicting that there is a direct correlation between the number of Tweets, the Sentiments and Market Activity for Bitcoin.
We will also be using the results from the Sentiment Scores in EmoTrader to evaluate a market indicator for algorithmic trading to incorporate in automated trading strategies.
Teammates: Val Adrien, Nick Distefano, Fausto Nicieza & Angelita Fuentes