An overbuilt utility class to convert US ZIP codes to 'tz' timezone strings.
// import the Timezone class
require_once "/path/to/Timezone.php";
// specify whether or not to use the compressed zipcode data file
// default: false
$timezone = new \Angorb\ZipCodeTimezone\Timezone(true);
echo $timezone->getForZipCode(90120); // prints 'America/Los_Angeles'
echo $timezone->getForZipCode(00000); // invalid ZIP code - prints (bool) 'false'
// if you're not super concerned with optimization because you have few lookups
// to do, a static method exists
echo \Angorb\ZipCodeTimezone\TimezoneForZip::get(10001); // prints 'America/New_York'
MD5: c4fc51c364cf39c509eba37df01aeb0d
To verify the gz compressed database matches the plaintext database in the distribution: $ php -f tests/compressed_datafile_integrity_check.php
Uncompressed Checksum: c4fc51c364cf39c509eba37df01aeb0d Path: /Users/angorb/Sites/zipcode-timezone-php/data/ziptzdb.json
Compressed Checksum: c4fc51c364cf39c509eba37df01aeb0d Path: /Users/angorb/Sites/zipcode-timezone-php/data/ziptzdb.json.gz
OK: Compressed and uncompressed files match.
Uncompressed Checksum: a8f3d499c499ea925a5ca835c436eb1f Path: /Users/angorb/Sites/zipcode-timezone-php/data/ziptzdb.json
Compressed Checksum: c4fc51c364cf39c509eba37df01aeb0d Path: /Users/angorb/Sites/zipcode-timezone-php/data/ziptzdb.json.gz
WARNING: Compressed and uncompressed files DO NOT match!