Runtime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
Stub your network requests easily! Test your apps with fake network data and custom response time, response code and headers!
Cocos2d for iOS and OS X, built using Objective-C
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more
A CAKeyframeAnimation subclass that lets you quickly and easily set a number of bounces, and start and end values, and creates an animation for you.
FXImageView is a class designed to simplify the application of common visual effects such as reflections and drop-shadows to images, and also to help the performance of image loading by handling it…
iOS Augmented Reality Framework
Instrumentation for Objective C for debugging and profiling
A very useful library for Unarchiving the .zip, .rar, .7z files for iOS. Block based integration of UnrarKit + SSZipArchive + LzmaSDKObjC (7z).
Fork of Jeff Lamarche's original barcode generator library at
A keyboard accessory that blends in with the default iOS keyboard.
Painless image picker with orientation, resizing, clipping, masking and caching of images
An Objective-C library for creating layered PSDs from a set of images on Mac OS X or iOS
PunchScrollView is a iOS ScrollView framework which works like the UITableView
A customizable, simple controller for picking multiple contacts.
iOS 5 compatible paging UIScrollView subclass.
use Google maps zoom level with MKMapView, animated route tracking with overlay views, and some other handy MKMapView functionality
UIThreadGuard is helps to check if you make any UI changes not in main thread.
A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
Google APIs Client Library for Objective-C
anil291987 / indoor-location
Forked from ws2131/indoor-locationiOS app that can determine the indoor vertical location using sensors in the device
anil291987 / RequestQueue
Forked from nicklockwood/RequestQueueRequestQueue is a simple class for managing multiple concurrent asynchronous URL requests in your applications.
ChatSecure is a simple multiprotocol IM client for iOS that supports encrypted "Off-the-Record" messaging using Cypherpunks' libotr