A Data Structure Algorithms Low Level Design and High Level Design collection of resources.
anil291987 / NPRImageView
Forked from NarayanaRao35/NPRImageViewInstagram-like UIImageView subclass. Progress view and activity view appear during image download. Support memory and disk caching. Inspired by FXImageView and Tapku's TKImageCache. Using AFNetwork…
A streaming audio player class (AudioStreamer) for Mac OS X and iPhone.
anil291987 / blogpost-codesample-PullToRefresh
Forked from d-ronnqvist/blogpost-codesample-PullToRefreshA custom pull to refresh animation where timeOffset is used to control the timing as you drag down
anil291987 / JSONAccelerator
Forked from azu/JSONAcceleratorGet data, verify it, and write model objects - Objective C, Java, or Python. It’s complexity, simplified.
anil291987 / CollapseClick
Forked from bennyguitar/CollapseClickA collapsible list that functions like a UITableView, except you can collapse and open cells on a click. Feed it UIViews for what is shown when each cell is open. Works via delegation similar to UI…
A builder of mesh geometry useful for making 3D plots
anil291987 / JBCroppableView
Forked from jberlana/JBCroppableViewJBCroppableView is a subclass of UIView built with UIKit and CoreGraphics that adds n points on an UIImageView allowing to modify them by drag & drop to trim the extra space of an image.
Builds an iOS framework using a Makefile-based project
anil291987 / SARUnArchiveANY
Forked from saru2020/SARUnArchiveANYA very useful library for Unarchiving the .zip, .rar, .7z files for iOS. Simply An Integration of Unrar4iOS + SSZipArchive + LZMA SDK (7z).
anil291987 / telegram
Forked from telegram-messenger/telegramTelegram S Edition Android App
Code that allows you manage multiple iOS analytics library in one simple class.
Download youtube videos from iOS devices
iOS library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers from libphonenumber library.
ChatSecure is a simple multiprotocol IM client for iOS that supports encrypted "Off-the-Record" messaging using Cypherpunks' libotr
anil291987 / CMHTMLView
Forked from mureev/CMHTMLViewCMHTMLView is an UIWebView wrapper to provide easy access to show rich text content (HTML) with native look and feel.
anil291987 / Smerk
Forked from MattFoley/SmerkRepository for easily building video detection in iOS, faces to barcodes to QR codes
anil291987 / GPUImage
Forked from BradLarson/GPUImageAn open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
Open source toolkit for iOS and OS X applications by Cooliris, Inc.
iOS view allowing creation of grid like label structures. Quite useful for showing data columns inside table views
anil291987 / objc-codegenutils
Forked from puls/objc-codegenutilsThree small tools to help you meet Xcode halfway.
anil291987 / Specs
Forked from CocoaPods/SpecsA repository of CocoaPods ( specifications.
anil291987 / RSBarcodes
Forked from yeahdongcn/RSBarcodes1D and 2D barcodes scanner and generators for iOS 7 with delightful controls.
A set of classes used to parse and handle iCalendar (.ICS) files
Geolocation utilities for iOS