****Prequisites installed on the system****
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- HBase
- Neo4j
- Apache Pheonix docker
The project also contains a JS script "mongo-join.js", that creates a single joined collection, required to perform join operations in MongoDB.
****Libraries required for the module to Run****
- psycopg2
- pheonixdb
- csv
- py2neo
- pymongo
- datetime
- pandas
- json
- glob
****Run individual module on terminal****
python3 -m <module name> # module name => mongodb, postgresql, hbase, neo4j
The above script executes, the main.py file inside the selected module, which is the initial execution point. The boolean values in the main.py could be toggled in order to perform data insert and query execution tasks. The program is platform independent and could run on any machine with all the necessary setup.
****TPC-H DBGen data for different Scale Factors****
Scale Factor 0.01: https://unbcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/skhosra1_unb_ca/Documents/BigData/DBGEN%20s0.01?csf=1&web=1&e=UYB7m6
Scale Factor 0.03: https://unbcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/skhosra1_unb_ca/Documents/BigData/DBGEN%20s0.03?csf=1&web=1&e=GQlCks
Scale Factor 0.5: https://unbcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/skhosra1_unb_ca/Documents/BigData/DBGEN%20s0.5?csf=1&web=1&e=C7AgSX
Scale Factor 1: https://unbcloud-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/skhosra1_unb_ca/Documents/BigData/DBGEN%20s1?csf=1&web=1&e=bAxqla
****Example of Running code in PostgreSQL ****
Install PostgreSQL, then run it:
> sudo -u postgres psql
In PostgreSQL create a database:
Add the name of database to the database.ini and initialization module.
In postresql folder main file set the following to True for a full run
After inserting the data into postgresql if you wanted to export relations for Neo4j make the following true:
export_csv_data = True
run the code by
> python3 -m postgresql
From within the project folder tpch-benchmark-master
Do the same for other databases, first create a database, then set those options true.