- Token should be in header (API Gateway)
- Comments should have date/time (Backend)
for create blogR
for retrieve all blogsD
for delete a blogQ
for adding a comment in a blog
- Request Body
"Token": str <REQUIRED>,
"Action": str <REQUIRED>,
"BlogSubject": str / null if action = R ,
"BlogBody": str / null if action = R, D, Q ,
"Location": str / null if action = R, D, Q ,
"Date": str / null if action = R, D, Q ,
"Time": str / null if action = R, D, Q,
"Comment": str / null if action = C, R, U, D
- Response Body
"statusCode": 200,
"Status": boolean,
"BlogSubject": str / null,
"Error": str / null,
"Description": str,
"BlogDB": Array of dicts / null
POST to https://0c77865x10.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/blog
- Create blog
Request body:
"Token": <Token>,
"Action": "C",
"BlogSubject": "First Blog",
"BlogBody": "Hello world",
"Location": <Location>,
"Date": <Date>,
"Time": <Time>,
"Comment": null
Response body:
"statusCode": 200,
"Status": <boolean>,
"BlogSubject": <Title of the blog you just created>,
"Error": str / null,
"Description": str
- Delete blog:
Request body:
"Token": <Token>,
"Action": "D",
"BlogSubject": "First Blog",
"BlogBody": null,
"Location": null,
"Date": null,
"Time": null,
"Comment": null
Response body:
"statusCode": 200,
"Status": <boolean>,
"BlogSubject": null,
"Error": str / null,
"Description": str,
"BlogsDB": null
- Add comment to a blog:
Request body:
"Token": <Token>,
"Action": "Q",
"BlogSubject": "First Blog",
"BlogBody": null,
"Location": null,
"Date": null,
"Time": null,
"Comment": "Hello this is my first comment"
Response body:
"statusCode": 200,
"Status": <boolean>,
"BlogSubject": null,
"Error": str / null,
"Description": str,
"BlogsDB": null
- Get all blogs:
Request body:
"Token": <Token>,
"Action": "R",
"BlogSubject": null,
"BlogBody": null,
"Location": null,
"Date": null,
"Time": null,
"Comment": null
Response body:
"statusCode": 200,
"Status": <boolean>,
"BlogSubject": null,
"Error": str / null,
"Description": "All blog from database",
"BlogDB": [dicts]