안녕하세요 즐겁게 배우고 성장하는 개발자 안지원입니다 !
始めまして ソフトウェア開発者のアン·ジウォンです。
This app provides customized information and community services for parents of children with Developmental disability and Encephalopathy.
발달장애와 뇌병변장애 아동의 보호자를 위한 맞춤형 정보 제공 및 커뮤니티 서비스 모바일 앱
April 2022 - In progress
- Team: 곁으로
- Flutter Developer 3
- Role: PM & Flutter Developer & Backend
- Tech: Flutter, Firebase, Android, IOS, Github Actions, Chat GPT API, AWS, Python, Figma
- Prize
- 🏆 Barrier-Free App Development Contest
: 2022 배리어프리 앱개발 콘테스트 결승 진출(최종 계획 심사팀 선정)
- 🏆 Barrier-Free App Development Contest
Vision processing and robot motion control using intelligent robot.
지능형 로봇을 이용한 영상처리 및 로봇의 움직임 제어
May 2022 - December 2022
- Team: HUE(휴)
- Vision Developer 4, Motion Engineer 1
- Role: Developed in handling the vision of the Danger/Staircase Regional Awareness and Civil Evacuation Mission part.
위험/계단 지역 인식 및 시민 대피 미션 파트 비전 처리 담당 - Tech: Python, OpenCV, Basic
- Prize
- 🥈 The World Embedded Software Contest 2022 sector of Intelligent Robot
: 2022년도 제20회 임베디드SW경진대회 지능형 휴머노이드 부문 2등(우수상) 수상
- 🥈 The World Embedded Software Contest 2022 sector of Intelligent Robot
🚘 The 4th Kookmin University Autonomous Driving Competition
The 4th Kookmin University Autonomous Driving Competition using Xycar
국민대학교 제 4회 자율주행경진대회
April 2021 - November 2021
- Team: 차국알수
- Vision Developer 5
- Role: Contributed to the development of crosswalk recognition and parking algorithms.
횡단보도 인식, 주차 알고리즘 개발 - Tech: Python, OpenCV, ROS
- Prize
- 🏆 The 4th Kookmin University Autonomous Driving Competition
: 국민대학교 제 4회 자율주행경진대회 결승 진출 및 5등 수상
- 🏆 The 4th Kookmin University Autonomous Driving Competition
This app is a chopstick education application using computer vision and make it easy for users to see and correct their chopstick posture in real time.
컴퓨터 비전을 이용한 젓가락질 교육용 모바일 애플리케이션
July 2022 - September 2022
- Team: HUE(휴)
- Frontend 2, Backend 1, Vision 1
- Role: Front-end development such as connection chopstick calibration model with frontend(flutter), UI design, and refactoring.
Front-end: 젓가락질 교정 모델 Flutter 연결 및 UI 설계, 리팩토링 담당 - Tech: Flutter, Python, OpenCV, MediaPipe, Tensorflow Lite
Kookmin Univ. Open source Software Society
국민대 오픈소스 소프트웨어 동아리
March 2022 - March 2023
- Served as a member of management team
- IoT Study
- Team: 중고나라
- Tech: MongoDB, Node.js, express, Arduino
- CV Study
- Team: HUE(휴)
- Tech: Python, OpenCV, NumPy, Tensorflow Lite, Flutter
Kookmin Univ. Major Ambassador
국민대 입학처 소속 전공알림단 드림멘토
May 2020 - February 2022
- Served as the 7th Dream Mentor (major in Software)
- Leader of media team
- Tech: Arduino, Entry
- Acticities
- Visiting middle and high school, introduce about software major, make a Arduino project, and run it in block coding
Social Impact Designers
발달장애인분들과 함께 아트클래스를 열고 아트클래스에서 나온 작품들을 리터치해 상품으로 만들어 펀딩을 진행하는 연합 동아리
March 2020 - April 2021
- Served as a leader of art class team and media team
- Activities
- Hold an art class with people with developmental disabilities, retouch the works from the art class, and make them into products and fund them
- Contact organizations about developmental disabilities, plan art class activities, and record and promote art class processes
College Students' Union Dream Mentoring Club
대학생 연합 진로 멘토링 동아리
April 2021 - July 2021
- Activities
- For 10 weeks, Mentoring about dream for low-income and underprivileged students in the fourth grade of elementary school
Front-End & Mobile