A Rails template that includes rspec, autotest, exceptional, haml, compass, and more.
Some views, stylesheets, and helper functions were forked from https://github.com/sporkd/compass-html5-boilerplate.
Then, clone the fork to your development machine.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/rails-template
To create a new project with your template, run:
rails new app-name -d mysql -m /path/to/rails-template/base.rb
After a standard Rails 3 project is created, base.rb
is executed.
All files in the template
directory that match *.*
are copied into the new project, overwriting original files when conflicts occur.
Add to Gemfile
gem "exceptional"
exceptional install API-KEY
exceptional test
Add to Gemfile
gem "devise"
Add to development group in Gemfile
gem "erb2haml"
rails g devise:install
rails g devise User
rails g devise:views -e erb
rake haml:convert_erbs
rm app/views/devise/**/*.erb