WAX OIG portal
git pull https://github.com/ankh2054/oig-portal.git
docker network create sentnl-net
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine \
--build-arg VITE_APP_DEV_API_URL=http://localhost:3000/api \
--build-arg VITE_APP_PROD_API_URL=https://wax.sengine.co/api -t oig-frontend:prod .
docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine \
--build-arg VITE_APP_DEV_API_URL=http://localhost:3000/api \
--build-arg VITE_APP_PROD_API_URL=https://oigstage.sentnl.io/api -t oig-frontend:stage .
docker build -f Dockerfile.db -t oig-postgresql:prod .
ENV & ARG | Value | Description |
PGPASSWORD | postgresqlpassword |
PostgreSQL password |
DB_DATABASE | waxram |
Database Name for RAM data |
DB_USER | oigdbuser |
Database user with access to DB |
DB_PASSWORD | oigdbpassword |
Password for Database user |
PGNAME | oig.db |
PG container name |
PYTHONAPI | oig.db |
Python API container name |
JWTSECRET | secret |
JWT secret for fastify |
PYTHON_FASTAPI | http://oig.db:8000 |
Python API server |
MISSINGBLOCKS_MAIN | https://missm.sentnl.io |
Missing Blocks API for Mainnet |
MISSINGBLOCKS_TEST | https://misst.sentnl.io |
Missing Blocks API for Testnet |
- For Production use oig-frontend:prod
- For staging use oig-frontend:stage
docker run --network=sentnl-net --name oig.sentnl.io --expose 80
-d -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=oig.sentnl.io"
-e "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=oig.sentnl.io"
-e "LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=[email protected]"
-e "PGPASSWORD=postgresqlpassword"
-e "DB_DATABASE=oig"
-e "DB_USER=waxramuser"
-e "DB_PASSWORD=waxramuserpassword"
-e "PGNAME=oignew.db"
-e "PYTHONAPI=oignew.db"
-e "PYTHON_FASTAPI=http://oignew.db:8000"
-e "JWTSECRET=secret"
-e "MISSINGBLOCKS_MAIN=https://missm.sentnl.io"
-e "MISSINGBLOCKS_TEST=https://misst.sentnl.io"
# 5 Run the DB container
- Upddate backebd/postgresql.sql file with the same username and password you specify below.
docker run --network=sentnl-net --name oignew.db --expose 5432 --expose 8000
-d -e "PGPASSWORD=postgresqlpassword"
-e "DB_DATABASE=dbname"
-e "DB_USER=dbuser"
-e "DB_PASSWORD=dbpassword"
-v /data/sites/oig.sentnl.io/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql
# 6 Update frontendcontainer
- Rebuild container image
- Delete original container
- Restart container
# 7 Update the backend container
* Run update script passing name of container and master Postgresqpassword
## EXample: ./db-update.sh oig-portal pgpassword