Challenges from PairColumbus
Each folder present focus section (SQL, DataAnalytics, Testing, Algorithm, Ruby, Python)
Database of choice: PostgreSQL (tutorials) and/or SQLite. SQLite has minimal support for RE hence PostgreSQL is recommended.
Pandas for importing, pre-processing -> using SQLAlchemy to [update/create] [tables]. The rationale is to save tedious URL parsing (.csv files not well-supported in PostgreSQL, you have to manually CREATE TABLE / DROP TABLE IF EXISTS and feed columns and column data type into psql) and to automate works.
for monitoring databases andipython
for running scripts. -
Editor of choice for SQL queries: Sublime Text with SQLTools plugin. On MacOS, you should install the sublime package FixMacPath to address the path issue when connecting to [PostgreSQL] databases
createdb [dbname] #PostgreSQL cli to create database
cd [sql directory]
Open python (Ipython, Jupyter) to run helper scripts
from utils import *
jeopardy() # built-in loadder for jeopardy dataset
talkpay() # built-in
fy16_school() # built-in
marvel() # built-in
Tables filmdeathcounts
, jeopardy
, talkpay
, marvel-wikia-data
, fy16_school.*
and others should now be ready for queries
Tool | What |
SQL | Different flavors (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server) have very different supports and syntaxes for eg. regex, comparison, data types, etc. which make ORM tools like SQLAlchemy the more compelling. |
SQL | Relative popularity according to Google Trends |
SQL Server | 70 |
MySQL | 50 |
PostgreSQL | 20 |
SQLite | 8 |
PostgreSQL | Open Source, ANSI-standard, stability, scalibility. |
PostgreSQL | Newline / Linebreak: chr(10) |
PostgreSQL | Column names should be taken seriously. "Spaces, non-word characters like $ % etc." all make selections very cubersome. I wrote a rename_to_conform_postgre routine to standardize column names (remove all non-word characters and lower case) when using PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL | Regular expression: regexp_matches() for SELECT or ~ for WHERE |
PostgreSQL | Remove curly braces (result from regexp_matches, for ex.): unnest(text) |
PostgreSQL | regexp_matches(text, pattern, 'g') with g flag might return multiple rows, don't put another regexp_matches in the same SELECT , use JOIN instead |
PostgreSQL | Single '' and double "" quotes mean differently: ie. 'string_values' whislt "table/column_names" , more on this |
Trump is not a person's name. It is the name of an Empire with hundreds of states (companies).
It pays really well in the Tech industry, quite encouraging.
The number of Marvel characters is simply marvelous. More than 16 thousands (What!).