Tags: annius/bazel
Release 0.5.2 (2017-06-27) Baseline: e78ad83 Cherry picks: + 6802831: experimental UI: move stopUpdateThread() out of synchronized, again + 019935d: Fix bug in URI computation in RemoteModule + e9424cf: Automated rollback of commit 7dec005. + 9eea05d: Switching to Watcher API instead of wait_for_completion, in preparation for deprecating the wait_for_completion field. + 8965981: Set correct execroot for info + 716b527: Only create a single per-build instance of the remote cache / executor + 1d82d19: protobuf: Update protobuf jars to be binary compatible with Java 6. Fixes bazelbuild#3198 + 524b90d: Change CAS URI to use the "bytestream" scheme instead of being scheme-less + 4929ad7: Automated g4 rollback of commit 923d7df. + 68b9a7e: Automated g4 rollback of commit da56606. + 2ba693f: Automated rollback of commit ce7c4de. Incompatible changes: - Blaze no longer generates xcode projects. Use tulsi.bazel.build instead. Important changes: - Keyword-only syntax in a function definition is deprecated (e.g. `def foo(a, *, b)` or `def foo(a, *b, c)`) and will be removed in the future. - Attempting to build an Android target without setting up android_sdk_repository will now produce a helpful error message. - Adds a sha256 attribute to git_repository and new_git_repository. This can only be used if the remote is a public GitHub repository. It forces Bazel to download the repository as a tarball, which will often be faster and more robust than cloning it. - Sandboxing is now enabled by default on FreeBSD (via processwrapper-sandbox). - android_test may use manifest placeholders with 'manifest_merger = "android"'. - load() statements should be called at the top of .bzl files, before any other statement. This convention will be enforced in the future. - Effectively remove sysroot from CppConfiguration and allow it to use select statements. - proto_library.strict_proto_deps no longer exists. - Flag --explicit_jre_deps is now a noop. - The 'legacy' Android manifest merger is deprecated. Please upgrade to the 'android' manifest merger, which is the same merger used by Gradle. https://developer.android.com/studio/build/manifest-merge.html - Using $(CC_FLAGS) in a GenRule adds a dependency to the c++ toolchain - add one-version enforcement to android_local_test - Skylark support (apple_common.dotted_version(string)) for building DottedVersion objects to interface with native apple rules - CC_FLAGS can be defined using 'cc-flags-make-variable' action_config in CROSSTOOL - ios_framework native rule has been removed. This rule had been essentially broken for several months now; users should be using the skylark ios framework rule. https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple has details. - Clean command no longer uses boolean values for --async, --expunge, and --expunge_async options. - Partially fixes external J2ObjC support. - '--aspects' can occur more than once on the command line. - --no_ prefix no longer recognized. - Use action_config in crosstool for static library archiving, remove ar_flag. - Added a new flag --sandbox_writable_path, which asks the sandbox to make an existing directory writable when running actions. - bazel test now also computes a default instrumentation filter if --collect_code_coverage is enabled - n/na - In .bzl files, top-level `if` statements are deprecated and will be forbidden in the future. Move them in a function body instead (or use a conditional expression instead: `x if condition else y`). - ios_device and ios_test are deprecated. Please use the new testing rules in https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_apple instead. - bazel query --output package now displays packages from external repository with the format "@reponame//package". Packages in the main repository continue to have the format "package". - ctx.expand_make_variables is deprecated. - Bazel posts links to the CAS to the BEP if remote caching / execution is enabled - `bazel info execution_root` returns the corrrect directory name for the execution root.
Release 0.5.1 (2017-06-06) Baseline: f3ae88e Cherry picks: + c58ba09: Release to GCS: put the final release in its own directory + 0acead4: Update protobuf to latest master at a64497c and apply @laszlocsomor's latest changes from protocolbuffers/protobuf#2969 on top of it. + d0242ce: Make symlinks consistent + d953ca8: Clean VanillaJavaBuilder output directories + 755669f: Pass all the environment variable to Bazel during bootstrapping + 6f04166: Do not mark the JDK7 installer -without-jdk-installer + 7205611: Fix bazelbuild#2958: Installer should not overwrite bazelrc + 511c35b: Bootstrap: move the fail function to the top + 8470be1: Clean up javac and Error Prone targets + 4a404de: Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2 + 36ce4b4: Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2 + 38949b8: Migrate off versioned javac and Error Prone targets + 1a57d29: Re-enabling passing -sourcepath via javacopts. + eb565f4: Make make sure that msys build actually builds msys version + 39f328c: Fix typo. Also do not override host_cpu for msvc. + 6248028: Select correct JDK for windows_msys + c4f271d: Automated g4 rollback of commit 3e5edaf. + 9261809: Remove process-tools.cc which I forgot to delete during the last rollback. + baca6e4: Fix bazelbuild#2982: Bazel installer should not check for installed JDK if using a bundled JDK. + 866ecc8: Disable msys path conversion on Windows. + cc21998: Rollforward bazelbuild#2 of: Basic open-source crosstool to support targeting apple platform types. + 0f0ccc4: Escape % in strings that will appear in Crosstool + 3b08f77: Adding feature for linking C Run-Time library on Windows + 3566474: Do not use sed -E in bootstrap/compile.sh + c3cf7d9: Reverts non-xcode-available darwin crosstool generation. Important changes: - Fixes regression in 0.5.0 requiring Xcode to build C++ on OSX.
Release 0.5.0 (2017-05-26) Baseline: f3ae88e Cherry picks: + c58ba09: Release to GCS: put the final release in its own directory + 0acead4: Update protobuf to latest master at a64497c and apply @laszlocsomor's latest changes from protocolbuffers/protobuf#2969 on top of it. + d0242ce: Make symlinks consistent + d953ca8: Clean VanillaJavaBuilder output directories + 755669f: Pass all the environment variable to Bazel during bootstrapping + 6f04166: Do not mark the JDK7 installer -without-jdk-installer + 7205611: Fix bazelbuild#2958: Installer should not overwrite bazelrc + 511c35b: Bootstrap: move the fail function to the top + 8470be1: Clean up javac and Error Prone targets + 4a404de: Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2 + 36ce4b4: Update javac version to 9-dev-r4023-2 + 38949b8: Migrate off versioned javac and Error Prone targets + 1a57d29: Re-enabling passing -sourcepath via javacopts. + eb565f4: Make make sure that msys build actually builds msys version + 39f328c: Fix typo. Also do not override host_cpu for msvc. + 6248028: Select correct JDK for windows_msys + c4f271d: Automated g4 rollback of commit 3e5edaf. + 9261809: Remove process-tools.cc which I forgot to delete during the last rollback. + baca6e4: Fix bazelbuild#2982: Bazel installer should not check for installed JDK if using a bundled JDK. + 866ecc8: Disable msys path conversion on Windows. + cc21998: Rollforward bazelbuild#2 of: Basic open-source crosstool to support targeting apple platform types. + 0f0ccc4: Escape % in strings that will appear in Crosstool + 3b08f77: Adding feature for linking C Run-Time library on Windows Incompatible changes: - Bazel's Linux sandbox no longer mounts an empty tmpfs on /tmp, instead the existing /tmp is mounted read-write. If you prefer to have a tmpfs on /tmp for sandboxed actions for increased hermeticity, please use the flag --sandbox_tmpfs_path=/tmp. - Converting artifacts to strings and printing them now return "File" instead of "Artifact" to be consistent with the type name. - The return type of depset.to_list() is now a list rather than a frozen list. (Modifying the list has no effect on the depset.) - Bazel now prints logs in single lines to java.log - --use_dash, --dash_url and --dash_secret are removed. - Remote repositories must define any remote repositories they themselves use (e.g., if @x//:foo depends on @y//:bar, @y must be defined in @x's WORKSPACE file). - Remote repositories must define any remote repositories they themselves use (e.g., if @x//:foo depends on @y//:bar, @y must be defined in @x's WORKSPACE file). - objc_xcodeproj has been removed, use tulsi.bazel.build instead. New features: - If grte_top is a label, it can now follow non-configurable redirects. - Optional coverage_files attribute to cc_toolchain - "query --output=build" now includes select()s - Raw LLVM profiles are now supported. Important changes: - Automatically generate Proguard mapping when resource shrinking and Proguard are enabled. - New rules in Bazel: proto_library, java_lite_proto_library, java_proto_library and cc_proto_library - Activate the "dead_strip" feature if objc binary stripping is enabled. - More stable naming scheme for lambda classes in desugared android code - Convert --use_action_cache to a regular option - Per-architecture dSYM binaries are now propagated by apple_binary's AppleDebugOutputsProvider. - Avoid factory methods when desugaring stateless lambdas for Android - desugar calls to Objects.requireNonNull(Object o) with o.getClass() for android - Add an --copy_bridges_from_classpath argument to android desugaring tool - Change how desugar finds desugared classes to have it working on Windows - Evaluation of commands on TargetsBelowDirectory patterns (e.g. //foo/...) matching packages that fail to load now report more detailed error messages in keep_going mode. - Allow to have several inputs and outputs - Repository context's execute() function can print stdout/stderr while running. To enable, pass quiet=False. - Bazel can now be built with a bundled version of the OpenJDK. This makes it possible to use Bazel on systems without a JDK, or where the installed JDK is too old. - The --jobs flag now defaults to "auto", which causes Bazel to use a reasonable degree of parallelism based on the local machine's capacity. - Bazel benchmark (perf.bazel.build) supports Java and Cpp targets. - no factory methods generated for lambda expressions on android - The Linux sandbox no longer changes the user to 'nobody' by default, instead the current user is used as is. The old behavior can be restored via the --sandbox_fake_username flag. - /tmp and /dev/shm are now writable by default inside the Linux sandbox. - Bazel can now use the process-wrapper + symlink tree based sandbox implementation in FreeBSD. - turn on --experimental_incremental_dexing_error_on_missed_jars by default. - All android_binarys are now signed with both Apk Signature V1 and V2. See https://source.android.com/security/apksigning/v2.html for more details. - Windows MSVC wrappers: Not filtering warning messages anymore, use --copt=-w and --host_copt=-w to suppress them. - A downloader bug was fixed that prevented RFC 7233 Range connection resumes from working with certain HTTP servers - Introduces experimental android_device rule for configuring and launching Android emulators. - For boolean flags, setting them to false using --no_<flag_name> is deprecated. Use --no<flag_name> without the underscore, or --<flag_name>=false instead. - Add --experimental_android_compress_java_resources flag to store java resources as compressed inside the APK. - Removed --experimental_use_jack_for_dexing and libname.jack output of android_library. - blaze canonicalize-flags now takes a --show_warnings flag - Changing --invocation_policy will no longer force a server restart. - Bazel now supports Android NDK14. - android_binary multidex should now work without additional flags. - Use action_config in crosstool for static library archiving, remove ar_flag. - new option for bazel canonicalize-flags, --canonicalize_policy - Use action_config in crosstool for static library archiving, remove ar_flag. - android_library exports_manifest now defaults to True. - Fix select condition intersections. - Adds a --override_repository option that takes a repository name and path. This forces Bazel to use the directory at that path for the repository. Example usage: `--override_repository=foo=/home/user/gitroot/foo`. - fix idempotency issue with desugaring lambdas in interface initializers for android - --experimental_android_use_singlejar_for_multidex is now a no-op and will eventually be removed. - Every local_repository now requires a WORKSPACE file. - Remove jack and jill attributes of the android_sdk rule. - Add Skylark stubs needed to remove sysroot from CppConfiguration. - Desugar try-with-resources so that this language feature is available to deveces with API level under 19. - The flag --worker_max_retries was removed. The WorkerSpawnStrategy no longer retries execution of failed Spawns, the reason being that this just masks compiler bugs and isn't done for any other execution strategy either. - Bazel will no longer gracefully restart workers that crashed / quit, instead this triggers a build failure. - All java resources are now compressed in android_binary APKs by default. - All java resources are now compressed in android_binary APKs by default. - android_ndk_repository now creates a cc_library (@androidndk//:cpufeatures) for the cpufeatures library that is bundled in the Android NDK. See https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpu-features.html for more details. - 'output_groups' and 'instrumented_files' cannot be specified in DefaultInfo. - You can increase the CPU reservation for tests by adding a "cpu:<n>" (e.g. "cpu:4" for four cores) tag to their rule in a BUILD file. This can be used if tests would otherwise overwhelm your system if there's too much parallelism. - Deprecate use_singlejar_for_proguard_libraryjars and force behavior to always on.
Release 0.4.5 (2017-03-16) Baseline: 2e689c2 Cherry picks: + a28b540: Fix Cpp action caching + 6d1d424: Fix paths of binaries in .deb packages. + 0785cbb: Update to guava 21.0 and Error Prone version 2.0.18-20160224 + 3049051: Update to latest javac and Error Prone + 867d16e: Allow ' ', '(', ')' and '$' in labels + 7b295d3: Pass through -sourcepath to the JavaBuilder + 14e4755: PathFragment comparisons are now platform-aware + ed77952: Flag to import external repositories in python import path + 81ae08b: Suppress error for non-exhaustive switches + e8d1177: Correctly returns null if an environment variables is missing + 869d52f: Fix NPE in Android{S,N}dkRepositoryFunction. + d72bc57: Select the good guava jars for JDK7 build + 92ecbae: Windows: Assist JNI builds with a target for jni_md.h. + 3695880: Add java_common.create_provider to allow creating a java_common.provider + 8c00f39: Improve handling of unknown NDK revisions in android_ndk_repository. + b6ea0d3: Add the appropriate cxx_builtin_include_directory entries for clang to the Android NDK crosstool created by android_ndk_repository. Incompatible changes: - Depsets (former sets) are converted to strings as "depset(...)" instead of "set(...)". - Using --symlink_prefix is now applied to the output symlink (e.g. bazel-out) and the exec root symlink (e.g. bazel-workspace). - Bazel now uses the test's PATH for commands specified as --run_under; this can affect users who explicitly set PATH to a more restrictive value than the default, which is to forward the local PATH - It's not allowed anymore to compare objects of different types (i.e. a string to an integer) and objects for which comparison rules are not defined (i.e. a dict to another dict) using order operators. New features: - environ parameter to the repository_rule function let defines a list of environment variables for which a change of value will trigger a repository refetching. Important changes: - android_ndk_repository now supports Android NDK R13. - Android resource shrinking is now available for android_binary rules. To enable, set the attribute 'shrink_resources = 1'. See https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/android.html#android_b inary.shrink_resources. - resolve_command/action's input_manifest return/parameter is now list - For increased compatibility with environments where UTS namespaces are not available, the Linux sandbox no longer hides the hostname of the local machine by default. Use --sandbox_fake_hostname to re-enable this feature. - proto_library: alias libraries produce empty files for descriptor sets. - Adds pkg_rpm rule for generating RPM packages. - Allow CROSSTOOL files to have linker flags specific to static shared libraries. - Make it mandatory for Java test suites in bazel codebase, to contain at least one test. - Support for Java 8 lambdas, method references, type annotations and repeated annotations in Android builds with --experimental_desugar_for_android. - Removed .xcodeproj automatic output from objc rules. It can still be generated by requesting it explicitly on the command line. - Flips --explicit_jre_deps flag on by default. - Activate the "dbg", "fastbuild", and "opt" features in the objc CROSSTOOL. - Remove support for configuring JDKs with filegroups; use java_runtime and java_runtime_suite instead - android_ndk_repository api_level attribute is now optional. If not specified, the highest api level in the ndk/platforms directory is used.
Release 0.4.4 (2017-02-01) Baseline: 4bf8cc3 Cherry picks: + ef1c6fd: msvc_tools.py.tpl: Change default runtime library to static Incompatible changes: - Only targets with public visibility can be bound to something in //external: . - The deprecated -x startup option has been removed. - docker_build: change the repository names embedded by docker_build. You can revert to the old behavior by setting legacy_repository_naming=True. - The string methods strip(), lstrip(), and rstrip() now by default remove the same whitespace characters as Python 3 does, and accept None as an argument. - Deprecated globals HOST_CFG and DATA_CFG are removed. Use strings "host" and "data" instead. - repository_ctx environment is now affected by --action_env flag (value from the client environment will be replaced by value given on the command line through --action_env). - All executable labels must also have a cfg parameter specified. - Removed the cmd_helper.template function. The function was equivalent to: def template(items, template): return [template.format(path = i.path, short_path = i.short_path) for i in items] - Tuples that end with a trailing comma must now be inside parens, e.g. (1,) instead of 1, - The traversal orders for depsets have been renamed. The old names are deprecated and will be removed in the future. New names: "stable" -> "default", "compile" -> "postorder", "link" -> "topological", "naive_link" -> "preorder". New features: - Skylark: you can now multiply a list by an integer to get the concatenation of N copies of this list, e.g. [a,b] * 3 = [a,b,a,b,a,b] - Allow Android aidl tool to add a jar to the program's classpath, such as if needed to support generated sources. - Add transitive proguard_specs when android_sdk.aidl_lib is specified - Windows: "/dev/null" is now a supported path, e.g. --bazelrc=/dev/null now works Important changes: - Bazel Android builds use the apksigner tool from the Android SDK build-tools. Bazel Android builds now require build-tools version 24.0.3 or later. - Android SDK external bindings for support libraries, e.g. //external:android/appcompat_v4, are removed because the support library JARs that they referenced no longer ship with the Android SDK. - aar_import rule is now documented. - An IE bug was fixed in repository_ctx.download_and_extract - Update "-I" to "-isystem" in documentation to reflect current behavior. - android_sdk_repository build_tools_version is now optional. The highest installed build-tools will be used if none is specified. - New flag --sandbox_add_mount_pair to specify customized source:target path pairs to bind mount inside the sandbox. - expose proto_library descriptor set to skylark via <dep>.proto.descriptor_set - The `set` constructor is deprecated in favor of `depset` - Autodetect gold linker in cc_configure.bzl - Remove build flag --experimental_j2objc_annotation_processing. It is on by default now. - Set clang's -mwatchos-version-min correctly using the value of --watchos_minimum_os, not --watchos_sdk_version. - singlejar can now create jar files larger than 4GB. - android_sdk_repository and android_ndk_repository now read $ANDROID_HOME and $ANDROID_NDK_HOME if the path attribute is not set. - Removed broken api levels 3, 4 and 5 from Android NDK 12. - Default --android_dynamic_mode to off. - android_sdk_repository no longer requires api_level. If one is not specified, the highest android platform installed will be used. Furthermore, android_sdk's are created for all android platforms installed and can be specified with the --android_sdk flag. - To iterate over or test for membership in a set, prefer using the new to_list() method. E.g., "for x in myset.to_list():", or "print(x in myset.to_list())". Iteration/membership-test on the raw set itself is deprecated. - Remove support for --javawarn; use e.g. --javacopt=-Xlint:all instead
Release 0.4.3 (2016-12-22) Baseline: c645a45 Cherry picks: + af878d0: Add coverage support for java test. (series 4/4 of open-sourcing coverage command for java test) + 09b92a8: Rollback of commit 67b4d52. + b11dd48: Fix bad bug with the parallel implementation of BinaryOperatorExpression. Turns out that ForkJoinTask#adapt(Callable) returns a ForkJoinTask whose Future#get on error throws a ExecutionException wrapping a RuntimeException wrapping the thrown checked exception from the callable. This is documented behavior [1] that I incorrectly didn't know about. + 9012bf1: Fix scripts/packages/convert_changelog to read the changelog correctly + 55c97bc: Release script: if master branch does not exist, fall back on origin/master + 4fb378c: Debian repository: override section and priority fields + acbcbc2: Fix release notes in emails + 4975760: Fix PathFragment to not use Java8-only static hashCode methods. + 05fd076: Disable sandboxing for XibCompile actions. Incompatible changes: - Skylark maven_jar and maven_aar settings attribute is now a label so it can be checked into your workspace. - --{no}experimental_use_rclass_generator is now a nop. New features: - Coverage support (*experimental*) for pure Java target. Use `bazel coverage //my:target` to generate coverage information from a `java_test`. Important changes: - Enable fallback URLs in Skylark http rules. - cc_proto_library generates C++ code from proto_library rules. - cc_library now supports the strip_prefix and strip_include_prefix attributes for control of include paths. - Skylark dicts internally don't rely on keys order anymore and accept any hashable values (i.e. structs with immutable values) as keys. Iteration order of dictionaries is no longer specified.
Release 0.4.2 (2016-12-02) Baseline: 6331a94 Cherry picks: + 7b835d9: Do not patch WORKSPACE in the release process Incompatible changes: - Callback functions in Skylark no longer support the cfg parameter. This is a cleanup and only affects the signatures of callbacks, since the parameter hasn't been set since September 2016. Important changes: - Alias proto_library's produce a descriptor set that contains all srcs of its dependencies. - proto_library supports strict proto deps. - Top level @AndroidSDK support library targets have been replaced by @androidsdk//<group id>:<artifact id>-<version> for Android SDK Support and Google Play Services libraries.
Release 0.4.1 (2016-11-21) Baseline: 9a796de Cherry picks: + 88bfe85: Description redacted. -- MOS_MIGRATED_REVID=139219934 + b09ea94: Rollback of commit a3f5f57. New features: - android_library now has a "exported_plugins" attribute just like java_library - Use --strict_system_includes to apply hdrs_check=strict also to cc_library.includes, even if sandboxing is disabled. - Bazel on Windows: java_binary can now be the executable of Skylark rule actions (ctx.action's executable argument) - Packages are defined in BUILD.bazel as well as BUILD files. Important changes: - getattr()'s 3-arg form no longer raises an error when the retrieved field is a built-in method. - --apk_signing_method default changed to v1. Android APKs are now signed with the new ApkSignerTool by default. - New rule: proto_lang_toolchain(), to support LANG_proto_library rules on multiple platforms. - Fix for Android clang++ std::stack segfault on 32bit x86. See https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=220159 - Default android_manifest_merger is now "android" which uses the official Android manifest merger. http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide/man ifest-merger - Do not propagate aspect to its own attributes when using '*'. - Comparing sets (`if set1 < set2:`) is not allowed anymore in Skylark because it didn't work correctly anyway. - When --experimental_extra_action_top_level_only, Bazel reports extra-actions for actions registered by Aspects injected by a top-level rule (approximately). - Blacklists for proto_lang_toolchain() no longer have to be proto_library's. - Extra actions now contain aspect-related information. - Fix slicing bug where "abc"[:-4:-1] would give wrong answer
Release 0.4.0 (2016-10-26) Baseline: 088bbc6 Cherry picks: + b01160c: Stamp Windows release. + 2d6736e: Add --no-tty for gpg signing + 9b1dfb8: Remove .sig file before gpg signing + 81aede1: Reimplement whole archive on Windows Incompatible changes: - Skylark: updating list/dicts while they are being looped over is not allowed. Use an explicit copy if needed ("for x in list(mylist):"). - Bazel now uses the --cpu flag to look up Jvms; it falls back to "default" if it can't find a Jvm matching the CPU value. - --command_port=-1 to use AF_UNIX for client/server communications is not supported anymore. - Sandboxed actions can access the network by default, unless their target has a "block-network" tag. New features: - Files now have an "extension" property in Skylark. Important changes: - Added a new flag --sandbox_tmpfs_path, which asks the sandbox to mount an empty, writable directory at a specified path when running actions. (Supported on Linux only for now.) - Update protoc-3.0.0-mingw.exe to a working (statically linked) binary - apple_static_library rule to create multi-architecture static archive files from Objc/C++/Swift dependencies on apple platforms - JS: Add support for localization with closure managed rules. - Create a flag --android_dynamic_mode to turn off dynamic mode during the Android split transition. - Darwin sandboxing is default. - Remove flag --experimental_zip_tree_artifact from j2objc Java annotation processing support. - A few functions are added to BUILD files for consistency (hash, dir, hasattr, getattr) with .bzl files, although they are not very useful. - --watchfs is now a command option; the startup option of the same name is deprecated. I.e., use bazel build --watchfs, not blaze --watchfs build.
Release 0.3.2 (2016-10-07) Baseline: 023a7bd Cherry picks: + bebbbe5: Fix dependency on libtool's helper script make_hashed_objlist.py. + 8a0d45f: Add the version information to the bazel.exe file + 2bc0939: Allow new_ rules to overwrited BUILD files in downloaded repos + c5545fd: Rollback of commit 96d4628. + eb87208: Make cc_configure on Windows more robust + c30432c: Fix cc_configure on Windows + 95b16a8: sandbox: Replace the error-prone lazy cleanup of sandbox directories by a simple synchronous cleanup. + e898023: Fix bazelbuild#1849: Sandboxing on OS X should be turned off by default for 0.3.2. + ffdc05d: Add action_config and feature for linking on Windows Incompatible changes: - If you maintain a rule that uses persistent workers, you'll have to specify execution_requirements={"supports-workers": 1} in the ctx.action that intends to run a tool with workers. The WorkerSpawnStrategy will alert you with a warning message if you forget to make this change and fallback to non-worker based execution. - It is now an error to include a precompiled library (.a, .lo, .so) in a cc_library which would generate a library with the same name (e.g., libfoo.so in cc_library foo) if that library also contains other linkable sources. - The main repository's execution root is under the main repository's workspace name, not the source directory's basename. This shouldn't have any effect on most builds, but it's possible it could break someone doing weird things with paths in actions. - Blaze doesn't support Unix domain sockets for communication between its client and server anymore. Therefore, the --command_port command line argument doesn't accept -1 as a valid value anymore. - Skylark: It is an error to shadow a global variable with a local variable after the global has already been accessed in the function. - bin_dir and genfiles_dir are now properties of ctx, not configuration. That is, to access the bin or genfiles directory from a Skylark rule, use ctx.bin_dir or ctx.genfiles_dir (not ctx.configuration.{bin,genfiles}_dir). At the moment, you can access {bin,genfiles}_dir from either, but the ctx.configuration version will stop working in a future release. - filegroup-based C++ toolchains are not supported anymore. --*_crosstool_top options must always point to a cc_toolchain_suite rule (or an alias of one). - repository_ctx.{download,download_and_extract,execute} API now use named parameters for optional parameters and no longer uses argument type to distinguished between arguments (executable attribute name must be specified when preceding optional arguments are missing). New features: - print and fail are now available in BUILD files. Important changes: - Added @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo/git.bzl as a Skylark rule for Git repositories. - Added @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl as a Skylark rule for Maven repositories. - Add global hash() function for strings (only) - Improve Android split transition handling. - Removes exports_manifest attribute from android_binary rule. - java_proto_library: control strict-deps through a rule-level and a package-level attribute. - Persistent workers are now used by default for Java compilation in Bazel, which should speed up your Java builds by ~4x. You can switch back to the old behavior via --strategy=Javac=standalone. Check out http://www.bazel.io/blog/2015/12/10/java-workers.html for more details. - objc_* rules can now depend on any target that returns an "objc" provider. - Adds support for NDK12 to `android_ndk_repository` rule in Bazel. - Test targets can disable the JUnit4 test security manager via a property. - Disable the Android split transition if --android_cpu and fat_apk_cpu are both empty. - New sandboxing implementation for Linux in which all actions run in a separate execroot that contains input files as symlinks back to the originals in the workspace. The running action now has read-write access to its execroot and /tmp only and can no longer write in arbitrary other places in the file system. - Add worker support to single jar. - Invoke source jar action as a worker. - Sandboxed builds allow network access for builds by default. Tests will still be run without networking, unless "requires-network" is specified as a tag. - Add path.realpath() method for Skylark repositories. - On Mac devices, detect locally installed versions of xcode to: 1. Use a sensible default if xcode is required but --xcode_version is unspecified. 2. Use sensible default iOS SDK version for the targeted version of xcode if ios_sdk_version is unspecified. - Emacs' [C-x `], a.k.a. next-error, works again in emacsen >= 25.1 - swift_library can be used to build watchOS apps. - Exposes the is_device field on Apple platform objects and adds the apple_common.platform_type(name) method to retrieve a platform_type value that can be passed to methods like the Apple fragment's multi_arch_platform. - Move Skylark git_repository rules to git.bzl - Add support for aspects to attr.label() attributes - Global varaiables HOST_CFG and DATA_CFG are deprecated in favor of strings "host" and "data. Argument `cfg = "host"` or `cfg = "data"` is mandatory if `executable = True` is provided for a label. - The deprecation attribute of all rules now causes warnings to be printed when other targets depend on a target with that attribute set. - Change default of --[no]instrument_test_targets to false, change default --instrumentation_filter (which previously tried to exclude test targets by heuristic) to only exclude targets in javatests. - Remove deprecated absolute paths in blaze IDE artifacts - When using android_binary.manifest_merger="android" the merger produces a summary log next to the merged manifest artifact. - Allow different default mallocs per configuration.