Welcome to My Learnings github repo where I share the sample projects that I found and used while learning a new technology and the code I wrote to understand it better. I maintain this code here so that I can refer to it anytime and others may also find it useful. If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue.
- What's New in Swift 4.2 (includes a write-up in README)
- Apollo GraphQL
- UICollectionView Sample
- This sample demonstrates how to create a user experience using UICollectionView, customizing the default Flow layout of collection view, configuring the UICollectionViewCell to reuse the cells and using MVVM-based view model to set the visual properties on the cell. This sample app was inspired by [https://theswiftdev.com/2018/06/26/uicollectionview-data-source-and-delegates-programmatically/](this article fom SwiftDev about UICollectionView).
- InfiniteScrolling Demo
- This is a sample that demonstrates how to implement infinite scrolling, a common UI paradigm that allows the user to scroll through an (illusional) infinite list of items like photos, tweets etc. This sample was made based on a really good article https://michiganlabs.com/ios/development/2016/11/10/ios-infinite-scrolling/
- Deep Linking & 3D Touch
- MVVM UI Architecture
- Mocking Network Requests For Unit Testing (includes a write-up in README)