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Controlling Remote Robots with Low Latency

I will show you how to enable over-the-internet communication between nodes in your ROS 2 system.

You will learn:

  • how to connect ROS 2 nodes running in different networks to a single ROS 2 system
  • how to install, configure and use VPN client
  • how to configure DDS to enable communication over VPN
  • how to do everything above in the Docker to make your life easier

To focus purely on connectivity, not on running fancy ROS 2 software or robots in Gazebo, I will go through different scenarios based on a simple ROS 2 system containing of 3 nodes:

System architecture

  • /turtlesim - a very simple, simulator for learning ROS where you simulate ... a turtle :)
  • /move_controller - node for controlling the movement of the turtle
  • /color_controller - node that is changing the color of the line drawn by a turtle each second

The solution is scalable, so what you will learn can be applied in very complex distributed ROS 2 systems as well!

Our Goal:

final system architecture

Before you start - Install Docker

Make sure you have Docker and Docker-Compose installed on your laptop.

The official instruction is the best tutorial, but here's a quick rundown for you:


sudo -E apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common && \
curl -sL | sudo apt-key add - && \
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) && \
sudo -E add-apt-repository "deb [arch=${arch}] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" && \
sudo -E apt-get update && \
sudo -E apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-compose
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker


Here's a link for Windows Installer:


Here's a link for Windows Installer:

[Eg. 1] Running the whole system in a single Docker container


launch the whole ROS 2 app in a single Docker container

Please stay in rosdevday21-remote-robot/ directory while executing those commands:

sudo chmod +x eg1/
sudo chmod +x eg1/

sudo docker build -t turtle_demo -f eg1/Dockerfile .

xhost local:root

sudo docker run --rm -it \
--env DISPLAY \
--volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
turtle_demo \
ros2 launch my_turtle_bringup

We start here within a single docker container all ROS 2 nodes here from a single launch file rosdevday21-remote-robot/ros2_ws/my_turtle_bringup/

Dockerfile is in ros2_docker_examples/eg1 directory. You should see a turtle drawing a multi-color line:

turtlesim demo

Congrats, let's make our system working accross multiple Docker Containers in the next step.

[Eg. 2] Let's do the same but in two containers


Basically that's wrong practise to run the whole app in the single container. The more elegant way is to divide your app into building blocks that could be updated or developed autonomously, even by different teams.

In our example we have basically two types of nodes, from two packages:

  • /turtlesim - this node is provided by a third party and is a standard, pre-installed ROS package, so we can run it without even building our own container
  • /color_controller and /move_controller are in created by us my_demo_pkg. Let's create our own, custom container to run only those two custom Nodes.

The target architecture is as follows:

launch multi-container ROS 2 app using docker-compose

The multi-container setup, running on the same host can be described in a clean and elegant way in docker-compose.yml, so running this multi-container system needs even less effort:

cd rosdevday21-remote-robot/eg2
sudo docker-compose up --build

Result is the same:

turtlesim demo

Note that we do not need to care about autodiscovery, because DDS does it for us. Each running container automatically detects ROS 2 services, topics or actions from other running containers.

The same situation would be if we run those nodes not in containers, but on hosts connected to the same Wi-Fi router. So nodes running on laptop and on your robot will detect each other if they are in the same LAN.

But what if we want to run the system accross multiple networks? Maybe we want to offload the robot and perform some computing on the remote server. In such a case DDS autodiscovery will not work without our help.

Let's go to the next section.

[Eg. 3] PROBLEM: Running on two computers in different networks

ROS 2 DDS discovery doesn't work if devices are in different networks

Because two ROS 2 devices are in different networks, DDS can not perform auto-discovery.

Also devices can not reach each other because they do not have neither public nor static IP addresses and are behind Wi-Fi router NAT.

The similar problem will be with connecting the container running on your laptop with this ROSject (that is basically a Virtual Machine running on top of TheConstructSim server). You do not have access to the public IP of your VM - for the rest of world your ROSject runs on (IP of

To allow the container and ROSject see each other, we need to configure a VPN.

[Eg. 3] SOLUTION: Connecting container on your laptop with turtlesim in the ROSject

To enable communication between ROS 2 containers running on your laptop with a turtlesim running in the ROSject we need to do:

a) In the ROSject:

  • install & configure Husarnet VPN client
  • create a custom DDS confiugration file
  • run the turtlesim

b) On your laptop:

  • paste Husarnet JoinCode to the eg3/.env file.

After we finish the system will look like this:

final system architecture

I. Create a Husarnet Network

1. Create a free account at

Husarnet Register

2. Confirm your e-mail

After you click "Register" you will be redirected to your account where your will see:

Husarnet Confirm Account

Please click the confirmation link in the e-mail you should have just received:

Husarnet Confirmation Email

2. Create your first Husarnet Network

After you click the confirmation e-mail you will see your account with no networks:

Husarnet Account Confirmed

Click a [Create network] button and name your first network, eg. my_network:

Husarnet New Network

3. Find the Join Code for the Husarnet network you just have created

Husarnet network view

Click [Add element] button and you will see a window with your Join Code:

Husarnet Join Code

In our example the Join Code is:


Save it for next steps.

II. Start a container on your laptop

Navigate to rosdevday21-remote-robot/eg3 folder and edit .env file setting there:

Env file

Place the Join Code from a previous step here (remember to use your own Join Code!).

Now you can simply start a container:

cd rosdevday21-remote-robot/eg3
sudo docker-compose up --build

after that you should see a log like this:

Building turtle_controller
Step 1/11 : FROM osrf/ros:foxy-desktop
 ---> a92cfa2aad6c
Step 2/11 : SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 44c76e108fc6


Step 11/11 : CMD ["bash"]
 ---> Running in 855ac5c10ae5
Removing intermediate container 855ac5c10ae5
 ---> 5333e9d8d9a8

Successfully built 5333e9d8d9a8
Successfully tagged eg3_turtle_controller:latest
Creating eg3_turtle_controller_1 ... done
Creating eg3_husarnet_1          ... done
Attaching to eg3_turtle_controller_1, eg3_husarnet_1
husarnet_1           | Waiting for the husarnet daemon to start
turtle_controller_1  | [INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /root/.ros/log/2021-06-17-20-58-46-802846-13cf6b024429-1
turtle_controller_1  | [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO


husarnet_1           | [105449624] joining...


turtle_controller_1  | [color_controller-2] [WARN] [1623963537.195861386] [color_controller]: Waiting for server Set Pen....
husarnet_1           | Husarnet IP address: fc94:8ef5:c077:330b:5309:d096:fbd6:def4

In this example Husarnet Client started by Docker Compose has been configured with the following IPv6 address: fc94:8ef5:c077:330b:5309:d096:fbd6:def4. Yours will be different!

Your container should also be now available on your Husarnet Dashboard account:

First Husarnet Device

III. Connect your ROSject to the same Husarnet network

1. Start Husarnet Daemon

In this ROSject Husarnet VPN Client is pre-installed. Systemd is not enabled in the ROSjects, so you need to open a new terminal window and start Husarnet Daemon manually:

sudo husarnet daemon

Keep this command/window running. It's the process that actually handles the network traffic.

2. Connect your ROSject to the Husarnet network

To connect this ROSject to the same Husarnet network as the containers from a previous step just use husarnet join command with your own Join Code (!!!):

sudo husarnet join fc94:b01d:1803:8dd8:b293:5c7d:7639:932a/KLKDQsX9UGCzsCMao9ccd7 rosject1

Please use rosject1 hostname here - it is used in the container running on your laptop DDS configuration by default

Now when you refresh your Husarnet Dashboard window you should see the second device in your network:

Husarnet second device

3. Configure a Cyclone DDS

In this ROSject Cyclone DDS RMW is pre-installed. You can configure FastDDS in a similar way.

Open a Code Editor in the ROSject and edit cyclonedds.xml file:

CycloneDDS XML configuration

Please place IPv6 address of the turtle-controller-1 device in this part: <Peer address="..."/>.

In this example it's fc94:8ef5:c077:330b:5309:d096:fbd6:def4 (again, your's will be different) and save a file.

4. Run a turtlesim

Execute the following lines in the terminal window inside this ROSject:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-foxy-rmw-cyclonedds-cpp

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp
export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///home/user/cyclonedds.xml

ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node

Now open Graphical Tools in the ROSject and you will see the same turtle as in the previous examples, but this time running in your ROSject:

Turtlesim ROSject

Well Done!

I hope you will find this tutorial useful. You learned how to connect your ROS 2 Nodes across computers in different networks.

If you will have any further questions, maybe you will find the answer under those links:


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  • Python 76.6%
  • Dockerfile 13.0%
  • Shell 5.6%
  • CMake 4.8%