- Scene Setup
- Tank Creation & Control
- Camera Control
- Tank Control
- Shell Creation
- Firing Shells
- Game Managers
- Audio Mixing
01. Scene Setup
Basic scene setup
- Dragging asset models into the scene or hierarchy
- Frame selecting game objects in scene: dbl-click game object in Hierarchy, or 'F' key in Scene when selected
- Dedicated window for lighting options
- Precomputed Real Time GI selected for use
- Baking the lighting (a lengthy bg process)
- Low resolution OK for lowpoly models
- Ambient light source & color vs. skybox
How to add the tank artwork and components to let the player control the tank.
- Layers
- For collider interaction isolation
- Only collider owner needs to be on layer (parent GO, not children)
- Duplication of GameObjects (Ctrl+D or right-click context menu)
- Project Settings
- Input Manager: configuring input control & names
- Component adding, setup, & collapsing
- Rigidbody
- req'd for Physics system
- constraints on axes (position/rotation)
- Kinematics: turn on/off (receive physical forces/no forces)
- Colliders (primitive)
- reports physics events (collisions) to Rigidbody
- Trigger vs. Physical events
- proper sizing for model
- Audio Source
- Populating references using "Circle Select" in Inspector
- versus dragging from Project Assets folders
- Empty references to be populated at runtime via scripting
- Scripts
- are also Components (provided they extend from Monobehaviour)
- Rigidbody
- Dragging configured scene objects from Hierarchy into Project Prefabs folder
- and vice versa
- Prefab options: Select, Revert, Apply
- between prefab & scene object linkage
- Applying changes from changed Hierarchy/Scene game objects to prefabs.
- Blue vs gray text in Hierarchy: Saved vs. unsaved changes to prefabs from scene gameobjects
- Also bold fields in Inspector are unsaved changes to prefabs
- World vs. Local simulation space
- Simulate over time vs. distance
- Various options for behavior
- Script editing, compiling, serializing workflow in Unity
- Console window messages for debugging.
- Public vs. Private fields/member variables
- relation to Inspector view (public fields show up for editing & populating references)
- UnassignedReferenceExceptions when forgetting to assign reference in Inspector panel.
- Inspector serialized values override values assigned in the script's public/serializable variables.
- Dynamically referencing & manipulating Components at runtime
- Variable naming conventions
- e.g. m_Name denotes class member variable (scoping mnemonic)
- TankMovement (inherits from MonoBehavior)
- Script Component for Tank GameObject to control its movement
- coding MonoBehaviour Event methods (Awake, Start, Update, etc)
- Vector manipulation math for Rigidbody movement by applying forces via method calls
- Quaternion representation in Unity for rotations of Transformations
- Quaternion.Euler() method for easy Euler angle conversions
03. Camera Control
How to create a Camera rig which pans and zooms to keep all tanks on-screen at once.
- Creation of an empty GameObject called CameraRig to house a Script Component: CameraControl.cs
- Rig becomes parent of the existing MainCamera
- Scripted to keep both tanks in view: Pan and Zoom (i.e. move & resize frustum)
- Tanks will stay in camera's frustum: area b/w near & far clip plane
- Perspective frustum: variable size clip planes
- Orthographic frustum: same size clip planes, hence no change in scale over distance
- Orthographic Camera size in relation to aspect ratio (16:9) & aspect (1.77).
- GameObject.GetComponentInChildren() method OK if child component type is unique.
- [HideInInspector] attribute to prevent public member from being serialized to Inspector.
04. Tank Health
Setup tank damage, update UI heal slider based on health value, tank deactivation on death
- Using a Unity UI Slider as a radial health bar.
- UI Elements: Canvas, Slider, EventSystem
- EventSystem Input Module component in Inspector
- Axis setup along with InputManager
- Canvas Scaler (Script) component for helping developing multiresolution apps
- Canvas component Render modes: Screenspace vs. Worldspace
- Rect Transform component in all UI elements.
- Anchor presets button to edit anchors (Shift/Alt)
- Top to Bottom rendering of UI child elements of Canvas (as found in the Hierarchy)
- Instantiating inactive game objects (e.g. particle systems) to cache them until ready for use.
- Also, setting them inactive again instead of destroying them then reinstantiating again.
- Caching like this (inactive->active) saves on garbage collection calls.
05. Shell Creation
Create a ballistic shell for the tank & a radius for explosion forces
- Collider triggers for simply creating callbacks in scripts to react to, instead of physical forces.
- Physics.OverlapSphere(pos,radius,layer) method to get an array of colliders touching/inside a specified sphere.
- Rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(force,pos,radius) to simulate explosive forces.
- Component references can also be used to get other component references on same GameObject via GetComponent<>().
06. Firing Shells
How to fire projectiles, and make a UI & sound effect to accompany the mechanic.
- Re-appropriate a UI Slider to make an aiming guide.
- Shells are unoptimally instantiated and destroyed every fire. Object pooling pattern would solve this.
07. Game Managers
Game loop architecture using coroutines and textual UI creation for messaging players.
- Text UI GameObject creation and usage, along with Shadow script component for effect.
- [Serializable] attribute on classes are serialized for view in the Inspector.
- ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Color) for converting an rgb color to HTML code for rich text.
- Coroutines are used to cleverly manage the main game loop.
- A function that can suspend its execution (yield) until the given
finishes. - Normal coroutine updates are run after the Update() function returns.
- Can be used as a way to spread an effect over a period time
- It is also a useful optimization since it also allows you to determine at what rate any function gets called.
Return types & different uses of Coroutines:
yield // The coroutine will continue after all Update functions have been called on the next frame.
yield WaitForSeconds // Continue after a specified time delay, after all Update functions have been called for the frame
yield WaitForFixedUpdate // Continue after all FixedUpdate has been called on all scripts
yield WaitForEndOfFrame // Continue after all FixedUpdate has been called on all scripts
yield WWW // Continue after a WWW download has completed.
yield StartCoroutine // Chains the coroutine, and will wait for the MyFunc coroutine to complete first.
Coroutines also admit a nice, slick, readable game loop:
void Start() {
// ... other start code ...
StartCoroutine (GameLoop()); // Let's play!
// This is called from start and will run each phase of the game one after another.
private IEnumerator GameLoop() {
yield return StartCoroutine (LevelStart()); // Start the level: Initialize, do some fun GUI stuff, ..., WaitForSeconds if setup too fast.
yield return StartCoroutine (LevelPlay()); // Let the user(s) play the level until a win or game over condition is met, then return back here.
yield return StartCoroutine (LevelEnd()); // Find out if some user(s) "won" the level or not. Also, do some cleanup.
if (WinCondition) { // Check if game level progression conditions were met.
Application.LoadLevel(++level); // or Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel) if using same scene
} else { // Let the user retry the level by restarting this (non-yielding) coroutine again.
StartCoroutine (GameLoop());
08. Audio Mixing
Balance the audio in the game with a dynamic mix where sound effects duck the volume of the music.
- A MainMix audio mixer default is created that outputs directly to the AudioListener.
- Audio Mixer window is used to create 3 additional Audio Mixer Groups: Music, SFX, Driving.
- Used to modify/mix the audio output before reaching the AudioListener.
- Audio Source components (in our Prefabs) are setup to output their clips through the Audio Mixer Groups.
- Default setup was to output clips straight to the AudioListener, without mixing.
- A "Duck Volume" effect is then used to lower the bg music when sfx are playing.
- The SFX group is setup to "Send Effect" its signal to the Music group's "Duck Volume" effect.