Phishing, Red Teaming, Golang, Black Metal. ex-BeEF core-dev-team, Browser Hacker's Handbook & x41 Browser Security White-paper co-author. There is no hope🎣
- antisnatchor
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Forked from roman-kachanovsky/go-binary-packGolang implementation of Python's struct package
phishing-frenzy Public
Forked from pentestgeek/phishing-frenzyRuby on Rails Phishing Framework
phishing-frenzy-templates Public
Forked from pentestgeek/phishing-frenzy-templatesPhishing Scenarios Used for Phishing Frenzy
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Forked from urma/microphisherµphisher reference implementation
CSS UpdatedJul 31, 2013 -
beef Public
Forked from beefproject/beefThe Browser Exploitation Framework Project
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Forked from chrisallenlane/watchtowerWatchtower is a Static Code Analysis tool designed to assist security auditors who are tasked with performing manual code reviews. It is platform- and language-agnostic.