Loopback based API to support bikefitapp.com operations
- Loopback / Strongloop 3.x
- socket.io
- MongoDB instance on some server (local or online)
Run: npm install
Please, adjust settings on datasources to match your MongoDB instance
NODE_ENV=dev nodemon .
Available NEV parameters:
- NODE_ENV: dev | production
- INITDB: true (wipe and recreate Database from sctrach)
- INIUSERS: true (wipe recreate only Users)
- INITMETADATA: true (wipe recreate only Metadata)
- INITBIKES: true (wipe recreate only Bike Data and Types)
- INISTORAGE: true (wipe recreate only Storage folders)
- DEV_ACCESS_TOKEN: true (create dev access token)
- SHOW_EXPLORER: true (enable Loopback API Explorer)