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Quickest Bluetooth development. No delegate needed, powered by Apple's Combine framework, start listening to BLE devices with a single line of codes.


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Find, connect and subscribe to Bluetooth LE peripherals without the hard works.

Integrates CoreBluetooth with CoreData and CloudKit. Stores last known data and meta data of subscribed Bluetooth peripherals in CoreData database and synchronized onto iCloud (requires iOS 13.0+, watchOS 6.0+, macOS 10.15+ or tvOS 13.0+).

From iOS 13.0+, watchOS 6.0+, macOS 10.15+ or tvOS 13.0+, no delegate needed, with Apple's feature-rich Combine framework, start listening to Bluetooth devices with minimum one line of codes:

BluetoothThingManager(subscriptions: [Subscription], useCoreData: Bool, useCloudKit: Bool).newDiscoveryPublisher.sink { // your codes here }


import BluetoothThing

Subscribe to GATT services or GATT Characteristics

Find GATT UUIDs here:

let subscriptions = [
    Subscription(service: "180A"), // Device Information
    Subscription(service: "180F" , "2A19") // Battery Level

CoreData Storage with iCloud sync (requires iCloud and remote notification background mode capability)

@available(iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, *)
BluetoothThingManager(delegate: BluetoothThingManagerDelegate, subscriptions: [Subscription], useCoreData: Bool, useCloudKit: Bool)

// No delegate needed for Combine Publisher
@available(iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13.0, *)
BluetoothThingManager(subscriptions: [Subscription], useCoreData: Bool, useCloudKit: Bool)

CoreData local Storage for older versions

let btManager = BluetoothThingManager(delegate: BluetoothThingManagerDelegate, subscriptions: [Subscription], useCoreData: Bool)

Combine Publisher available from macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, No delegate needed.

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public var thingsPublisher: CurrentValueSubject<Set<BluetoothThing>, Never>

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public var newDiscoveryPublisher: PassthroughSubject<BluetoothThing, Never>

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public func thingsPublisher(with serviceUUIDs: CBUUID...) -> AnyPublisher<Set<BluetoothThing>, Never>

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public func thingsPublisher<S: Sequence>(with serviceUUIDs: S) -> AnyPublisher<Set<BluetoothThing>, Never> where S.Element == CBUUID

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public func thingsPublisher(with services: BTService...) -> AnyPublisher<Set<BluetoothThing>, Never>

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public func thingsPublisher<S: Sequence>(with services: S) -> AnyPublisher<Set<BluetoothThing>, Never> where S.Element == BTService 

Listen to discovered device:

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public var advertisementDataPublisher: CurrentValueSubject<[String : Any], Never>

@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
public var characteristicsPublisher: CurrentValueSubject<[BTCharacteristic: Data], Never>

Implement BluetoothThingManagerDelegate

protocol BluetoothThingManagerDelegate {
    func bluetoothThingManager(_ manager: BluetoothThingManager, didChangeState state: BluetoothState)
    func bluetoothThingManager(_ manager: BluetoothThingManager, didFindThing thing: BluetoothThing, rssi: NSNumber)
    func bluetoothThingManager(_ manager: BluetoothThingManager, didLoseThing thing: BluetoothThing)
    func bluetoothThingManager(_ manager: BluetoothThingManager, didFailToConnect thing: BluetoothThing, error: Error?)
    func bluetoothThing(_ thing: BluetoothThing, didChangeState state: ConnectionState)
    func bluetoothThing(_ thing: BluetoothThing, didChangeRSSI rssi: NSNumber)
    func bluetoothThing(_ thing: BluetoothThing, didUpdateValue value: Data?, for characteristic: BTCharacteristic, subscription: BTSubscription?)

Retrive Things

let thing = btManager.things.first


@available(macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
thing.connect(pending:) async throws
thing.connect() // Can be called anytime, will connect once comes in range


thing.forget() // remove local storage // read once, no notify

thing.subscribe(characteristic:) // get notified when data changes

thing.write(characteristic:) // write to characteristic



Quickest Bluetooth development. No delegate needed, powered by Apple's Combine framework, start listening to BLE devices with a single line of codes.








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