Chinese Whispers
graph clustering for ngraph
. The algorithm
is known for its speed (time-linear in the number of edges) and works best for
large graphs.
I got algorithm converged for a graph with 200,000
nodes 500,000
edges after
iterations. Undirected graph with 2.2
million nodes, 4.5
million edges
converged after 47
You can play with small graph (254 edges, 77 nodes) here. It should converge after 2 iterations.
var createWhisper = require('');
// Graph is intance of ngraph.graph
var whisper = createWhisper(graph);
// The algorithm is iterative. We should continue running it until change
// rate within clusters is large:
var requiredChangeRate = 0; // 0 is complete convergence
while (whisper.getChangeRate() > requiredChangeRate) {
// When change rate is 0 (or very close to 0) we are done.
// Now we can query "class" of each node:
function printClass(node) {
console.log(nodeId + ' belongs to ' + whisper.getClass(;
By default
treats graph as undirected. You can change this via
optional kind
var createWhisper = require('');
// Consider only neighbours with incoming edges:
var inDegreeWhisper = createWhisper(graph, 'in');
// Or outgoing edges:
var outDegreeWhisper = createWhisper(graph, 'out');
So far we learned how to get class (or cluster) of every single node.
allows to do reverse operation too. This example shows how to iterate
over each cluster and see nodes within:
var createWhisper = require('');
var whisper = createWhisper(graph);
// assume we've done several iterations:
while (whisper.getChangeRate() > 0) {
// clusters is a Set object
var clusters = whisper.createClusterMap();
function visitCluster(clusterNodes, clusterClass) {
// each cluster has class identifier:
assert(typeof clusterClass !== undefined);
// And list of nodes within cluster:
With npm do:
npm install